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Ahhh new chapter :))

Enjoy and give it a vote also comments if you like ❤️


Alcrais P.O.V

Today I'm feeling all smiley when I woke up remembering the event from yesterday. I can't believe Rafael Sandoval, the number one playboy in school, confessed to me that he likes me. It feels like a dream but it wasn't because that fucker literally slapped me and it stinks but he then kissed it better and being all sweet.

He even insisted to drive me to the bakery and put my bike in the back of his car. The car ride was silent but not awkward silence, he then kissed me goodbye when we arrive at my workplace too and getting my bike out of his car.

The smile didn't last long when I went downstairs to be greeted by the actual devil, Dave aka my father, slurring and walking like a zombie with an empty bottle of alcohol.

"Why are you still hear fag?!!", He screamed then throw the bottle to my direction, I managed to dodge it before hitting square to my face luckily but then he kicks my stomach until I fall. I gasped for air as he keeps kicking me like I'm just a trash. "YOU ARE WASTE OF EVERYTHING! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!", he screams and I felt tears brimming out my eyes. He then collapse down by himself, I start coughing about to puke because of the kicking but I hold it in.

Wincing I get up and go upstairs to grab my duffle bag and start packing my things up. There's not much of my things here, just clothes, my laptop, my shoes, and my books. After that I go back downstairs still feeling the pain in my abdomen. Dave sees me again and tried to get up but he's too intoxicated now to even move, I took it as my chance to get away from him and be free from this hell after three years.

I pull up my phone and dial Rosé. I'm sobbing now while waiting for her to pick it up.

"Hello Alcrais?", I hear her voice and I just cry. "Alcrais?! What happened? Are you okay?!", She seems alerted when she hears me crying.

"C-can you p-pick me up a-at my h-house?", I said while sobbing.

"I'll be there, don't hang up!", I then her here telling someone to cover for her and leaving what I assume the bakery because of the bell. I slumped down on sidewalk crying like a mess, I'm just glad that no one is around to see me being pathetic like this.


The car ride to Rosé apartment was filled with me sobbing and Rosé telling me that I'm gonna be okay and that she'll protect me from now on. She's the mother that I wished to have, actually the parents I wished I had.

We arrived at Rosé apartment and it's quite roomy and nice. It has two bedrooms, a kitchen that shared with living room and one bathroom. Rosé told me that ever since she bought her current house she never really use this place so there's not much things in this apartment.

"Well there's not much furniture in this apartment but there's TV, bed, and sofa..", she said and I nodded. I'm more than grateful to have a place to stay in after being kicked out like that. "..You know like I said we could press charge against him! I got friends that could be your attorney and would understand your situations.", She offers again.

I shook my head no. "No I- I just don't want anything to do with him anymore.. please...", I pleaded. Her mouth form a thin line but she nodded regardless. She told me to rest for yesterday and she'll talk to my teachers about my absence and honestly I need a break. I slump down on the sofa in the living room as Rosé order me some foods to eat for breakfast and lunch.

"The foods should be on their way now. Let me see the bruises and take care of it, sweetie.", She said and I pulled my shirt up revealing the purple bruises on the skin near my ribs, on my stomach core too. She pulls out an ice cubes container and tell me to ice it out for ten to twenty minutes. I winced and shivers as the bruises making contact with the coldness of ice.

I grab my phone while acing it out and look if I gotten any notification and I got one from Carlos and one Rafael.

Carlos 🥴

Hey r you okay? Didn't see you in school?

I then replied to his message.

Hey haha just feeling a bit sick

I'll be fine tho dw :)

Technically it wasn't so much of a lie. I went to look at Rafael's message.

Stinks 😒❤️

Barbie u ok??

I didn't see u at math :( it sucks btw

Are u sick? :(


Text me back if you see this 🥺

I smiled a little at his cute text and answer his messages.

LMAO you sound like a clingy gf 🤔

I'm fine just a bit sick :(

Math sucks for you because you suck!

I then hear the door bell rings, I was about to get up but Rosé told me to stay still as she reaches for the door. I hear my phone buzzing and immediately unlock it.

Stinks 😒❤️

What happened?? where u now??

Can I visit you? 🥺

Also hey! u're the one that sucks ;)

I chuckled lightly at the last text, that cheeky bastard!

"Oo who's that?", Rosé grins slyly as she place the Chinese order in front of me. I look at her and blush a little.

"Just some guy...", I said softly.

I can see her eyes lights up instantly, "OH MY GOSHHH WHO?! LET ME SEEEEE!", She exclaims and I told her to calm down and start telling her about the whole me and Rafael thing. I told Rafael about when we called last night and he's fine with her knowing about it so I tell her now. She smiles and hug me.

"Aww you guys are so cute, I hope he makes you happy! Cuz if not I'm ready to fight him!", She said in her 5'4 frame and I chuckled lightly at that then I reply back to Rafael.

Well just some stomachache..

It's fine you don't have to

Uh I know I suck your dick 🥴
it made you bent now lol

Rosé told me to eat the breakfast since I hadn't gotten one. She also told me that she's got an important meeting right now she had to go. She told me she'll be back in the evening.

"If there's any emergency just call me immediately! Understand?", She asked and I nodded. She gives me a kiss on the forehead and bid me a goodbye leaving me alone with the foods in front of me.


Sweet Rafael >>> asshole Rafael 😌

Which one do you like more Rafael or Carlos?

Hope you stay tuned for new parts later ;)


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