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I'm currently sick but I finished writing this one and chapter 3 in a day so that's a good sign

Hope u guys enjoy this one (・∀・)


Alcrais P.O.V

"Damn you look so hot in that dress Cassy! Get that shit!", I hear Sandra scream besides me she's always be the loudest one ever like I swear and she has no shame on it either.

"I don't know my boobs getting squeezed too hard in this dress.", She looks in the mirror and I can tell by the way she's holding to her boobs and adjusting it it's not comfortable.

"Well that's your fault for having mommy milkers.", I muttered boredly and the girls snorted around me, I see Cassy rolled her eyes at me. We joke around about boobs sometimes and Cassy so happens to get a big ones.

"Anyways, Ally you grabbing something to buy?", I hear Miranda asking me as she picking her some sports bra. I just shook my head no because one I'm broke, two I'm broke.

"Nope! I still didn't get my cheque yet.", I said simply. I work at this local bakery and got some decent money from it surprisingly and the owner is nice too so I do enjoy working there. I usually work after school ends and got day off in the weekends but today my shift was swapped with Adeline my co worker so she comes in today and I'll swap for hers this Saturday.

"Boy don't worry, I'll pay for it!", Miranda offers and I just shook my head no again.

"I appreciate it babe but I'm good for now, I just need to buy some perfume..", I stated and they continue trying the outfits they thought cute and asking for my input in it.

After sometimes we finally leaving the store and I told them that I want to buy my perfume and we went to my perfume store, I asked for my favorite scent which is strawberry with hint of cinnamon in it. I just like it so much.

"Fuck you smell so good, barbie!", I rolled my eyes as he sniff around my neck and give it a sweet kiss. "Whatever the perfume you wore, please wear it all the time.", He said smirking at me and I can't help but getting butterflies in my stomach. How can he be such an asshole but say some sweet things like this?

"U-uh whatever you fart, now get off me! Someone could catch us..", I trailed off pushing him away, we're currently in school bathroom and this asshole was on the mood and I didn't know why I was willing helping him with his big d- I mean his ugly little problem!

He just chuckle a little then leave the bathroom first like always without saying any other words. Just cold as usual, why I do all this again?

I cringed a little when I suddenly remember those memories but either way I'm buying this perfume again. I paid for it then take the bag with me, we then go the food court area because we're hungry as hell. To me I'd marry foods if I could, I always need foods.

We ordered the foods then I can feel my phone vibrates again, I just know who's this from I just know it!

Piece of fart 💩

yo where r u?

It was sent two hours ago when the school's ended.

at my car now!

ouch it's been 20 mins :(

damn so cold aight then Barbie!

I rolled my eyes, at least now he got his paybacks. I smirk at the image of him waiting for me like a lost puppy, waiting for me to come and suck him off like usual, if only he wasn't such an asshole at the same time and be considerable about my feelings.

Anyway I choose to forget about that black haired now as I chew in this yummy chicken teriyaki.


"Bye Sandra, Agnez, Cassy, and also thanks Miranda for the ride and foods!", I wave them as they wave back at me.

"Boyy if you don't stop being so cute! Also don't be late to practice tomorrow!", Miranda said with a smile then honk the horn before driving off his neighborhood. My smile's getting thinner now that I have to face with my dad. You can say I have daddy issues, you see he's extremely homophobic and alcoholic. He's trying to preach the "words of God" while looking like a total fuck up. If you ask where my mom is, she left. She left me with this fuck up man after they found out about me being gay.

I open the door slowly hoping he won't notice cause I see his car on the driveway so he must be home today. I slowly creep into the house and close the door behind me. I make my way to the stairs that lead to my room but suddenly I hear a bottle shattering and flinched at the sound.

Oh shit!

"Mm you home faggot?!", I hear my father slurred as he makes his way towards me from the living room couch. He's walking like a zombie in that movie I've watched, it's an ugly walk. "HEY YOU HEAR ME BITCH?!", he throws another bottle at my direction but I managed to dodge it and I quickly run into my room and lock it before me. I'm trying to catch my breath now as I hear him punching the door behind me.

"You pussyboy, you're a waste of space! Because of you I lose fucking everything! You're a disgrace to me! Hell is where you belong!", I hear him scream through the wall and I rolled my eyes at that.

Hell is where you belong, old man!

After 5 minutes of trying to open my door I hear him going away and I never felt so relieved. I know I'm 18 now and I legally can move out but I don't have much money to get a place to stay, no one really knows about my father being abusive except the owner of the place I work in. I avoided all the topic about my parents when I talk with my friends, even Sandra my best friend since middle school don't know about it.

I lay down on my bed then I can hear a car engine sound starting up and moments later the car start driving, I look out from my window and see that jackass finally going out. I decided to go to the bathroom and wash my face and change my clothes to more casual one.

I hear my phone ding signaling a new message and I check from who and it's no other than the devil Rafael.

Piece of fart 💩

wanna come over? My house empty ;)

*attach image* look at that thing need attention 🥺

And it's a pic of his dick and I just rolled my eyes at that but I can't lie the picture looks so good. It's selfie of him on the mirror being naked with his dick sticking out, not only that his hot abs and toned chest too. He is a God if he wasn't such an asshole. Anyway I decided to reply back,

you are something else...

I bite my lip and said that I'll come over. I hate him but I can't lie he's so hot and I need distraction and need to get away from my dad tonight anyway.

I swore I hate Rafael Sandoval so much but I guess I'm a bad liar...


Alcrais dignity.. 😟

Also if you enjoy this part a vote to this one would be wholesome ( ◜‿◝ )♡

Hope u guys stay healthy!

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