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Chapter 3 finally!! 😩 Hope enjoy this part, kinda filler but I like them

Let me know what you guys think in the comment <3


Alcrais P.O.V

"T-I-G-E-R GO TIGER! ROARING TILL WE WON", I heard the newbies on the team practice. I'm a senior now so it's my duty to teach them all of our anthem also teaching them all the acrobatics move.

"Alright that's enough everyone, now we're going to learn how to do the front flip and also backflip.", I said as they groaned, I clap my hands. "Shush, of course I'll teach the basic and easy steps first so you guys can do it!", I started off by demonstrating the front roll on the mattress.

"Alright first thing first put both of your hands like this in front of you on the mattress." I showed them that part. "Then start by trying to push your hips forward, just like this.", I said as I demonstrate the movement and they nodded. "Make sure you keep your legs straight-" and I was cut off

"Hahaha that's funny coming out from you!", I heard Agnez shouted from her seat and I give her a look as the people around me laugh along with her. I rolled my eyes at that.

"Kneeways.. back to this! Okay just put your hands and legs like this and then start bouncing your legs like this!", I bounced my legs on the mattress. "Remember don't bend your legs nor arms! It's the key to maintenance the perfect form to do front roll and eventually the running front flip.", then I stand up and told them to do the things I just did for 8 times before going on with the next steps.

I look around at my so called friends which by the way just sitting around, eating Cheetos and bickering with each other while I do all the works right here. I just rolled my eyes when they look at me and wave me off.

Those bitches! This is gonna be a busy day for me.

I sigh then start to go on with the practice.


"You guys owe me $20 and some Chipotle!", I said crossing my arms to my lazy teammates after we're done with practice.

"Oh c'mon it's your choice to teach them all those things, coach wasn't around so we just chilling...", I hit her on the shoulder. "ouch you bitch!", She then start to chase me as I run off.

"Catch me if you can old Mama!", I laugh at her as she keeps chasing me around Miranda, Agnez, and Sandra. Cassy is the oldest among the group that's why we call her Mama sometimes.

"Bitch I'm a MILF at least!", she screamed and eventually after Miranda telling us to stop being a child we stop chasing each other and by now both of us are running out of breath.

"Damn that was tiring!", Cassy complains and I nodded along with her. Miranda insisted we should eat at Chipotle downtown and we cheered her for that. We pile into Miranda's black BMW SUV as drove us there.

Sandra turns on the radio and I recognize the song that was playing currently.

"Oh, my God, look at that face
You look like my next mistake
Love's a game, wanna play?" Ay

"TURN THE VOLUME UP!", Me and Cassy shouted and Sandra increase the volume then me and Cassy started singing horribly together.

"I'm dying to see how this one ends, grab your passport and my hand!", I sing.

"I CAN MAKE THE BAD GUYS GOOD FOR THE WEEKEND! TELL EM TAY!", I hear Cassy scream besides me and I scream along with her as I pull up my phone recording us singing the song. Agnez and Sandra giving us a look but we don't care this song is a bop and a half!

"But I've got a blank space, baby..", me and Cassy do the pen clicking and winking. "..And I'll write your name!" with that we also arrived at Chipotle and I can hear my stomach screams for some Tacos with some extra Fajitas and chips.

Upon entering the store I met with the pair of blue eyes that I definitely do not fond of, when he notice me he gives me a small smirk after taking his order.

"Yo isn't that Rafael from our school?", Said Sandra not so quietly and I shoot her a look but nodded nonetheless, it's obviously HIM I mean there's no other guy like Rafael and I meant it in a very bad thing. I see him make his way towards me and I just gulped.

He then pat my shoulder and whispered quiet enough only for me to hear, "come eat my chorizo later, barbie!", then walks out of the store leaving me blushing red at his dirty innuendos.

That fucker! I'm going to bite his dick when I meet him again!

"What's that about?!", Sandra asked I shrug my shoulder and told her that he just calls me "barbie", they gave me a weird look but then drop it off. We make our orders afterwards and eat blissfully.

"Hey do you guys think I'm getting fatter?", I heard Miranda ask after we eat.

I went to reply her, "No you're not!" I said as the same time as Agnez saying, "yes you are!", I look at Agnez and give her a look, she can be a bit mean to Miranda and I don't know what her problem with Mira. I see Miranda face saddened at that, she's got body sdhy

"I mean it's not necessary a bad thing you know...", I hear Agnez trailed off regretting her words earlier but I guess it's too late cause Miranda just muttered a "yeah" afterwards.

"Anyway you guys going to Sandoval party next weekend?", I hear Cassy opening up new subject. I silently thank her for breaking the awkwardness.

"Wait Rafael hosting a party?", I found myself asking her and she nodded.

"Yup just got the invitation from Laura apparently she's close with Raf now or that's what she said anyway.", and for some reason I feel my heart's ache a little at that. I need to get myself together and remind myself that he's an asshole and we don't have anything between us. He can fuck and date whoever bitches he encounter I don't care.

But you do though!

Shut up you stupid thoughts!, I scream at my own thought.

Will only shut up when Raf's cock in the mouth.

I bang my head against the table, stupid thoughts and stupid heart.

"You okay Al?", I hear Sandra asked and I wave her off, maybe I need some therapy or some sort.

I really do!


Anyone craving chorizo?? 🤨

I want to munch on a nice and well seasoned sausage 😩

Get your mind out of your gut, reader! 😳

I'm jk hope u like this part! Vote if you do.


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