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12 hours later

the plane saiko was in had landed and he had woken up . It was in the afternoon and the sun was still shining .

" We're already here, " Saiko said .

" Yes sir we have landed , there's a car waiting for you " a flight attendant said walking saiko out.

" Have a good day, sir " the flight attendant said, smiling and waving her hand .

" Yeah you too, " Saiko said, getting in the car .

" Where would you like to go sir? " the driver said, looking in the rearview mirror .He was surprised at how young Saiko was . The driver knew Saiko was rich but didn't expect him to be so young. although he also thought he was the kid of a rich and powerful family.

" oh, go to the quan hospital , and that's it, '' Saiko said, rubbing his eyes.

The car started to move and was soon on a highway . driving around saiko could see the city . He had lived here his whole life . while he was away for 2 weeks he also missed it a bit . but that's not to say he didn't enjoy traveling. while saiko was in his thoughts the car had stopped at his destination .

" Thank you, you can leave now, " saiko said, getting out of the car. He had walked in and had gone up to the front desk . asking if his mother was still in the room she had always been in .

" Unfortunately no, she was already discharged 2 hours ago, " said the woman at the desk .

" oh ok thank you " saiko said a bit annoyed that if he knew his mother wasn't here he wouldn't have told the driver to go . saiko was now determining where she would have gone. Which was probably their home.

" plz be there" saiko said as he got on the train. He headed to his house first to grab a car as it would be much faster for him. After about 20 minutes he had arrived outside of the gates and showed his ID card.

" welcome sir, would you like a ride? '' a security guard said, seeing Saiko walking.

" yes plz i just got back and had to ride a train" saik said getting in a golf cart . it zipped its way up to villa number 1 where saiko had gotten off and thanked the 2man.

Saiko had entered and grabbed the keys to the Cadillac . He was going to bring his mother here to live with him, and she was clearly going to bring some stuff with her.

30 minutes later

" here we are "

Saiko said as he got out of his car walking up to the door . He turned the knob of the house and went inside . He continued to walk till he got into the living room where he saw his mom sitting watching tv.

" oh saiko , I didn't hear you come in . Where were you? I thought you'd be waiting for your mother after she got out of the hospital, you know" saiko said .

" sorry mom i was out of the country and just got back when i heard they were gonna discharge you" saiko said smiling now that his mom was better.

" out of the country , did you win a prize "

" no i used my own money mom"

" You shouldn't waste money like that, you should have used it for things you actually need, " saikos mom said as she began to rub her head. At the same time her stomach made a noise .

" Come mom, I'll take you out to eat, " Saiko said, getting up."

" No, it'll take longer to go to a restaurant than going to the store to buy something I could use to make us a meal. " saikos mom said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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