terrible relization

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" ahh " we see saiko relaxing in the bath its finally the day were he can go to school. " i finally get to see my  akeno in person" saiko says after a bit he realized calling her his before they even met was pretty weird. " i'll just  stop saying she mine i might jinxed myself" after which he got out and put on his uniform he went down stairs and grabbed a bowl of cereal. [ hello host all of the system has been downloaded do you wish for a tutorial] saiko knew how to work the system after countless times he read story involving them was simply too much.  " no thank you system shut down until i decide to reboot you i wouldn't want to die plus i don't want to get involved in the supernatural not until i get my akeno" saiko said shortly after the system turned off altho saiko didn't know if the supernatural could feel the systems power and mistake it for  sacred gear he didn't want to test it out and if rias or sona could also sense he didn't want to be a devil yet or didn't want anything to do with the supernatural yet. He didn't want to forcefully be put in a peerage he felt kinda sad for issei he caught the eye of a power hungry devil but he didn't dwell on it since issei didn't care about that and just cared about his desire to do anything for a harem. 


we see saiko at the front front off khou academy altho the number of girls still out weighed the boys he didnt care he soon went to find his schedule, surprisingly he was in the same class as akeno and rias as well as sona and tsubaki . he thank the old man for this he could barely contain his excitement akeno will surely be his although saiko read many fanfics about reader insert some were they confess to akeno and she rejects them and some were they are together and she cheat or some were they are very good couple and it's a happy ending . saiko wish that it turn out as the last option but if he were to get rejected by akeno he'd probably me crushed altho saiko did have some girlfriends before but none of the relationships lasted a full year although he still had some felling to those previous girlfriends he'd never go out with them again . Because they were the ones to end the relationship he'd never go out with them again but this was akeno she was saikos number 1 waifu she had to accept. saiko wanted it to be of purely her choice although he thought that she would 100 percent be with him he still wanted her to make the choice afterall he didn't want to get involved in the supernatural until he and akeno were together . saiko started to walk to his class from about to burst of joy when he knocked the teacher came out she was you require teacher nothing special in her late 40s "hello how can i help you "the teacher said "umm hello i'm saiko darmin this is the class on my schedule"siako said he couldn't wait to see her as you can see saiko a bit obsessed with akeno "ahh you're the new student welcome please come in " the teacher said leading saiko in he soon followed when he got in he scanned the room immediately he found her sitting in on the middle right behind rias as soon as he saw her he immediately got red he actually seen her in real life  sone and tsubaki wer in the front grows by the left wall ass the teacher led saiko to the center class he was red "hello class we have a new student his name is saiko darwin if you have any question to ask him please raise you hand and not to many we need to start class"the teacher said no one raise their hand so the teacher told saiko to sit in the empty seat beside akeno that was on her left he went and sat down their was still 5 minutes before the class started to officially start class so they continued to talk as saiko he just took in a deep breath and breath out he turned to akeno and smiled and said "hello im saiko what's your name " akeno herd him turned around to see him smiling "im akeno nice to meet you this is rias" as she said that rias turned and said hello  "so akeno is there anything fun to do in this town or school i just moved here bc my parent have some work here and don't know anywhere to go to waste time . akeno was shocked usually most boys would straight out ask her out  but surprisingly he didn't and just wanted to know some places " well we have clubs at the school and the town does have some good places to eat at and also hang out i can show you if you want " akeno said immediately saiko responded " yes please i'd liked that very much i dont have any new friends here so i've just been at my house on my phone or playing games and i liked to explore here since i'll be living here " saiko said  he was surprised at himself he had easily just got akeno to be a tour and have some alone time with her this was going smooth soon thing went  off from there 3 month later saiko and akeno could be seen as friends altho no one thought they were a couple since they new akeno would like to flirt. time went by in a fly and it was now the weekend before before cannon saiko had invited akeno to the park he had gotten everything prepared he was full of confidence " after today akeno will be mine" after that he got ready he was too meat akeno in the park at 5 and then confess he also made reserves at a fancy restaurant wired hed take akeno out after she accepted time passed and we can now see saiko at the park waiting akeno and him usually go out like this so she wouldn't know that he would confess he was wearing some decent clothes to got out and soon he saw akeno wearing a normal dress "wow akeno you look pretty " saiko said " thanks you look handsome as well so where are we going to day saiko?" she asked then saiko took out some flower from behind his back and told akeno " akeno i like you very much since i first seen you so akeno im here confessing my love to you will you got out with me?" all the people in the park at the time saw this they couldn't help but be happy they were seeing someone confess their love they were waiting for the girl to respond "saiko ... i'm sorry but no " instantly saiko felt as if he just saw his parents murdered a huge amount of sadness filled him but this wasn't the end " your just not my type" akeno said saiko felt if someone cut a large cut on his chest and decided to pour salt and lime on it he was broken at this time tears filled his eyes were did it go wrong he thought he clearly had akeno liking him " this is gonna be embarrassing we we see each other now i think we should just cut our ties im sorry " boom saiko was instantly  shattered if earlier saiko was a glass shattered now he was a fine powder of the glass this instant saiko just stood there with his head down in shame as akeno walked away all the people around were whispering among them self "wow  i feel sorry for him man that must be tough" everything was around these line as everyone around was filled with sympathy for saiko . as saiko was sitting there instantly something clicked in his mind he didn't feel a thing it as if the mind stopped him from feeling emotion he got up and start making his way home soon the emotion came back he felt like a baboon.

  "system reboot" saiko said [ rebooting starting approximately 20 minutes to completely be online system ask for to be patient he didn't care for the time he got home the system had finished rebooting [ welcome host have you finally decide to get into the supernatural world] "yes system tell me the amount of ability points needed to fully upgrade you " [ well around 10,000 but since host has the 10 x ability it will probably be not take long] "system can you tell me the amount of time it'll take me t get all the points if i start now"[sorry system doesn't have the required intelligence to answer host question] this was the precise reason saiko focus on upgrading the systems intelligence not only could it answer more difficult questions but also give more detailed info and answers but can also give recommendation like if saiko wanted to get stronger faster he could ask the system and it recommend things like the fast and most best way or the way were he could get the best results the system would give recommendation of based on what he wanted "system can you start the auto hack [ system is scanning area for hack places...done scanning the areas host is available to hack are backyard lawn] "start immediately as soon as i get enough ability points upgrade the system "[yes host ]  as siako opens the door he can see a little miniature him about a inch tall go in his backyard grass immediately he took control of the miniturer him and his conscience went into the miniature hima s if he switch bodys [ host hast come across level 2 ant due to it being 2 x the level of host chances for a benevolent gift has increased by 40 percent so no host has the chance of 50 percent to obtain it highest grade available gift is a rank a while lowest is rank d  but this increase of percentage only because the first enemy of host is 2 time his level ordinary this won't happen so don't expect to always receive percent boost also all lost will be double due to host enime 2 time hi level ] as saiko heard this he was instantly happy good thing he decided to go with the 10 x wish instead of a ability . the next instant saiko went and rushed the ant he punched the ant but surprisingly the ant still stood there and turned round angrier the next inant saiko continued to punch as he remembered in shadow hack the mc went on a path of absolute defence and power due to the system recommendation of everything is useless of absolute power defence or absolute speed . saiko also wanted to follow this path of the mc he also wanted to become  war god witch according to the mc of shadow hack was someone without weakness and had dominated everyone in there era this was also what saiko wanted to follow since he had the universal store this could easily be achivale . saiko went right back to punching and punching he moved away when the ant was about to attack he dodge and landed a kick to the head [ critical hit with kick to ant is only one hit away from dying ] the system said instantly saiko shot forward and deliver the final punch [ host has attained 10 coin and 5 experience and ability point as well as 1 stat point] [ due to host having 10x  wished host got 100 coins 50 experience and ability points as well as 10 state point] "system level out my stats with these points plz"saiko said [done all stats are now at equal 5 points each no stats point left available ] saiko was surprised all his stats were only at five . saikos system for stats was simple each level he would gain 100 health and 10 mp each level leveled up each level would after each level to get to the next level 50 t experience ws add to the number of the previous number to get to the next level and every 10 levels its ad 50 on top of the +50 so example one saiko got to level ten each level he progress would now add 100 more experience needed to pass the level and so on.[host has obtained benevolent gift ] saiko grew exited this would give him a very good or just mediocre ability but still a ability system open it [hots has obtain grade A power absorber]


that's a rap on this you know honestly not gonna lie didn't think some people would find my story interesting but yeah same thing as first chapter let me know what waifu you guys want remember mc has a universal store but yeah bye remember you can comment i would like criticism and also if some people want to give some ideas.

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