the appearance of a great emperor

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 [ wake up host merging process is done] the system says as saiko starts to wake up. "how long have i been asleep for" saiko says as he stands up and starts to fully wake up. [ this time you were only asleep for 2 days , as the chaos fire was refining your body allowing the merging process to quicken , you have now successfully merged with the diamond gem ] . [the other 3 qi have also been found] the system says. "ok i guess we should get this over with , shadow exchange". as saiko goes to all of the qi locations . After about a week saiko has now fully merged with all of the divine number 1  qi of each element he goes back to the sect were nothing much has changed . saiko walks to the throne room ans sit on his throne . "ok system how do i advance to the next realm or ultimate realm "saiko says [ you need a cultivation method , a cultivation method is basically a way of sucking the spiritual qi from around you to have it become your qi by having it purified buy your qi levels , that's why people with divine qi have a advantage as their gi is more pure than other. but you on the other hand have having all number 1 ranked devin qi , your qi is unimaginably pure this makes your martial arts 50x more powerful] "oh so cultivation methods help suck in the qi , the more powerful a cultivating method is the more qi you can suck around you ...* troll grin* system open edit, buy the most basic cultivation method.[ -100 coins host has bought basic cultivation ] "edit open "saiko said as a screen pops up "systeme can you tell me the most powerful cultivation , in this world"[ the most powerful is called sait descends. it was created by a spiritual master who had ascended to the realm as the qi here was insufficient for him ] "is it a secret method or do people know "[ you can only get it from his inheritance but the cultivation method allows , all qi in a 100 feet away from you be sucked into your body ] "system how much is it to make this basic cultivation suck in qi from a mile away "[ 2 mill ] "plz do upgrade it to suck qi from a mile away , ohh also have the qi around me instantly boost to a very high quality  [adding all together needed amount of coins 5.76 mill] "upgrade".

[ the cultivation method has been upgraded and now is called the divine sea qi ] "oh ok well lets not was any time " saiko said as he got up to go outside he gets to the center of the courtyard and sat down cross legged , now activating his cultivation . as the students who lived and became loyal subjects { by loyal i dont mean like aoo lord i'll die for you and everything it was more of like they won't try to kill him or wont snitch} were walking round they saw saiko , they stood there watching as what he was doing "what do you think hell o , last time i know his meradias , and cultivation were destroyed "rs "well yeah but i dont know ". as now more and more students were gathering bye . "is he going to do anything or not.*inhale* *exhale* "divine sea qi" saiko said soon the the qi in a mile radius all turned gold and started to flow into saiko . "haha ultimate realm of qi level has been reached " saiko said out loud . "ultimate realm that means he has a devine qi " said a rs "oh man if we followed him we could have gotten a divine qi "said a geedy rs . although they are loyal they aren't soldier level oyal and the skill can be nullified is the target has a strong will power . 'ok systeme what do i do for ultimate qi paths realm ' saiko said in his head [ you will need to have at least 1 of the 10 major meridian be a golden meradan , acolden meridian helps your body store more qi , it also helps in refining speed ] [ order to get a golden meridien you cane either , 1 buy golden meradian pills , but you'll need plenty of as the pills made in this world to get golden meridians are of extremely low effect or, 2 which is best for you , have a divine qi to help you refine a golden meradian ] "damm .. i really feel sorry for everyone else , i'm just a god of luck at this point "saiko says as he gets up and looks around . "what are you all doing here "saiko said as he looks at the students . 'i won't be able t do many things and plus i dont like these maggots'. "im closing this sect all students that were students can go but as a compensation, ill lets you have whatever martial arts you want in the library hurry up you only get 1 , and when you finish picking go or ill kill you , 4 guardians plz do make sure they listen " saiko said as beru , igris, bellion, and kratos come out and start to watch the students if they were prisoners. soon the student and patriarch left , of course the patriarch and elders were not going to let some weak student get the best cultivation methods so the eldest and patriarch took the most powerful ones , the early bird get the worm as they say and the student had rushed to get the best cultivation and martial art they could but only one. "finally there gone useless shits"saiko said "i want a squad  led bye osiris of 2500 , of osiris choosing , they will be guarding the s3ct from the outside, dont leave any blind spots . "saiko said "system opened up and go to skill , search learning skill" saikok said. [ learning skills] the system popped up and was n a page . "hmm there's plenty , arrange them into best quality , and make sure the price doesn't go over 10 mill " saiko said [ host if i may ask you have me to do all of these thing why do you want a skill that lets you learn things faster] the system said. "i dont want it to be faster i want it to be instant so all i gotta do is just place my hand on top of the thing i'm trying to learn and boom , and also i'm doing this in case if there was something that blocked you off from my use you know what if someone so has a system you know i dont believe i'm he only one who got good karma points "saiko siad planning for the future . 

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