Chapter 50. Killing a newfound heart

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The home of the Langdon's branch family

"How could you tell Zane that Aileen stole the contract? You should have denied it until the end! He had no way of finding out that woman did not tell Aileen beforehand of the contract. There were only circumstantial evidences, he can't build a real case on that..." Patricia uttered continuously the blaming words she had repeated for at least three or four times already, her tone as prickly as it could be.

Although Patricia was by no means a lawyer, being married to one for so many years already, it couldn't be said she knew nothing of his line of work. The problem was that what she knew was still far too little.

And not only this, another factor should have also been considered. For someone like Zane with more than enough money and influence in all areas of society, from the private sector of business to the public sector, which naturally included the government and law enforcement... How difficult would it be to turn those circumstantial evidence into real proof?

He had all the means to frame someone unjustly if he so wished to, Darren had no doubt about it. Not to mention that the current felony was actually indeed real. He did not even need to call on any favors from any of his connections, apart from asking for a fair trial.

Knowing these facts with certainty, Darren was already boiling with anger. He had only kept quiet on the way back because he still needed to maintain his well-mannered appearance. After all, they had been forced to take a taxi home after Zane's men practically quite forcefully left them in front of the hospital. He couldn't vent out in the open in front of strangers.

And now his wife was even daring to refute his decision. She had kept blabbing about since they entered through the door. What did she want him to do, lose his license? Did she want him to take the blame for what her daughter had done?

"Dad, is your work more important than me? How could you say I stole the documents?" Aileen asked with the same amount of outrage as her mother if not more, when she had noticed her father had no intention of justifying his actions.

She could understand that on the way home they could only keep quiet, and only begin speaking of this matter when they arrived home. But even now in the privacy of their personal space, her father had not open his mouth even once.

This was her father, how could he not protect her? Was his job more important than her? How could he sell her out so fast to protect himself instead of her?

Only the loud sound of a slap was heard before a perfect silence settled down.

The slap hurt Aileen more than anything in her life did before. But because of the shock she received, she hadn't even been able to voice the pain. Even her mouth could not urge itself to open and speak her grievances.

"Darren, how could you hit Aileen? Honey, how are you?" Patricia asked worried after finally recovering herself from her bewildered state. Checking the wound on her daughter's face, as she protectively placed her hands around the young woman's shoulders, some words of blame towards her husband almost spilled out uncontrollably. But Darren's cold face and angered state made her unable to voice more of her thoughts honestly. Even her tone had lost its initial harshness.

Aileen had been a precious pearl raised without the slightest harm done to even a strand of her hair, as such this slap had not hurt her as much physically as it did mentally. It made her discontent beyond measure, instead of causing her to introspect her actions and admit her faults.

"Were you the one who told her about the contract?" Darren was in no mood to explain his actions nor care about the look filled with grievances of the two women.

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