Chapter 35. How far is near

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(A/N) The music above, for those who can't see, is called "How far is near" by Getsunova

Though Zane had hoped his working hours would finish at a reasonable hour, his plan did not go quite well as he expected it would. More precisely it did not work out at all.

A week of absence from work during a busy time of the year resulted in Zane being hold up in the office until nine pm, three hours later than he had initially planned.

He sighed annoyed as he finally entered through his apartment's door. Frustration had long taken over his mind, because of the unexpected talk with the small woman, which he had wanted to clear up as soon as possible, but was unable to. The talk had caught him off guard, so he had reacted a bit too forceful in ending the conversation, afraid of whatever she wanted to say more.

This was the first time he had not let Aria clearly explain to him what she wanted to know, and he was left with a bitter taste at the thought of upsetting her. He regretted his choice of words as soon as Aria went away. No, better said he had regretted them even before she left, especially considering the enduring face she had last shown him before she exited through the doors with the maids.

But though he regretted the words, he would regret more if the discussion had jolted her memories even a little.

It had been more than a month and a half ago since Aria had woken up from the coma, changing his life's meaning in a way he had never thought was possible, making him dream of a warm home with the new her. The pure bright sweet woman she was now, the one without her memories, the one he hoped would remain this way forever.

And not only hoped, he had also started taking precautions in assuring Aria would never remember her life from the past.

Other than the fact that the mansion was currently being remodeled from top to bottom, and the fact that her current lifestyle was miles apart from before. Zane had even called Malcom just before Aria came to the office for lunch, asking him to find out if there were things doctors could do to prevent her from recovering her memories. 

A brief moment of silence later, Malcom's voice resounded on the other end of the call, as that idiot laughed out loud with such an irritating voice, that he had to hold the phone further away from his ear, to make sure he wouldn't become deaf. The bastard only awkwardly stopped, when he threatened to take away his vacation days for the next three years. 

Finally becoming serious because of his persuasive words, Malcom had told him that it wasn't possible to stop it, and he just had to let nature take its course. Otherwise, the doctors would only be able to give her medicines that would harm her and keep her in a half awake state, messing with her mind until she would become mentally unstable. Not only was it illegal and unethical to do such a thing, but of course Zane wouldn't follow through a process which could cause Aria irreversible damages to her body. 

He was getting such bent on keeping her like she was now, that he was becoming paranoid. If even he, the man in question, realized this, than the problem was serious enough.

  The talk with Malcom sobered him up a bit, only for Aria's visit to stir up his worries again.

He had not given much thought to Aria's desires regarding this fact. The small woman had never expressed her wish in finding out about her past life for this last month and a half. And so her personal will was not a matter that had concerned him until now...

Should he really tell her a bit about the past? Perhaps only let her know a little about the matter of their marriage. Should he just confess that they were not close at all, and were actually about to get divorced in a couple more years? A divorce which could still happen after she gave birth.

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