Chapter 30. The daughter in law of the Blacks

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At Davis's home

'This is Davis. I am sorry to disturb you. Is it alright if I take up some minutes of your time?' Davis asked with a calm voice, but a fine respectful tone could undoubtedly be sensed nonetheless. He was calling to tell on her son, of course he needed to seem like he was an upstanding man who had suffered a grievance, someone who was bullied unfairly. Besides, it was the truth. Just for some misspoken words Zane needed to cut off the connection between their families? Couldn't the matter just end with a sincere apology?

'What is it?' The aloof but feminine voice resounded in his ear, as he was waiting eagerly for a positive reply. And it was fortunately the words he wished to hear.

'Well, you see. Today my daughter visited the president's office to go over some aspects of an endorsement contract for this year's newly released product from Mars, and unexpectedly as she was waiting for him inside his office, Madame Aria also entered the room.

Faye, that child, is quite an attentive person and especially pays attention to all the finer details one would never even fathom, when she works with someone for a longer period of time. As such, she knew that the president was allergic to the fur of dogs.

Now this is where the problem lies. Seeing the Madame holding a dog in her arms and even allowing the animal to sit on the couch inside the president's office, she became alarmed thinking his allergy would inadvertently act up, leaving grave consequences in its aftermath.

So she kindly reminded the Madame of this, as she was not aware of the lady's identity or the fact that the president would allow the animal inside his workplace. This indeed was her oversight. Faye, the reckless girl, she thinks with her heart first rather than her brain, so the wording may have come as a disrespect to the president's wife. Perhaps Madame Aria was upset at the audacity of my foolish daughter who did not know her place, and left the office upset.

I have  told Faye many times to mind her business, but worried about the president, this daughter of mine, she really acted over the limits. As a repercussion because of this small matter, the president wants the shares the old master gifted to the Davis family.

If it were up to me, I would give them up in a heartbeat, but to destroy the promise between my father and the old master with my own two hands... it truly pains me.

I am really reluctant to go against their wishes, so I really thought that we could solve the matter  with a sincere apology. Faye really regretted her words, seeing the anger of the madam, only then did she realize the gravity of the matter, so she also really wishes to apologize. But I know that Zane will only listen to his wife at this point, so I dared called the only person who could perhaps might make him change his mind.' 

Davis's mouth moved quickly, as he skillfully wove his words with much care. Exaggerating the story, then sweetening it, until he was sure he could confuse Victoria about the actual gravity of the accident, making her assume that what happened was only an exaggeration from Zane's wife, after all it really was. Of course other than this, he had also tugged at her heart strings about the promise of her father,  and had conveniently accentuated the influence Aria had on Zane, which possibly exceeded her own.

'... Did this really happen? Did Zane really force you to give up your shares?' Victoria asked after a brief moment of silence. 

A period of time that felt like a lifetime to the man whose lifestyle depended on the woman's answer.

'Yes. Unfortunately he is determined to take them away.' Davis replied trying to not appear subjective. Victoria's voice had not given him any evident hints on whether she was aware of Zane's decision and approved it, or if she was angered because of Zane's actions. But still she was asking more about the matter, so this was a positive sign.

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