Chapter 4. The house they lived in

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Zane had not moved even a finger since she placed his hand on the spot on her abdomen where the babies kicked. She stayed for a second more like this, before she realized her blunder.

Not a moment later, she quickly let go of Zane's hand. She knew nothing of this man, or of his marriage with the owner of this body, how could she be so bold to take his hand?

He could be a man truly in love with his wife, or not. Although, she was inclined to think the latter. Since she had opened her eyes until now, he felt cold to her, emotionless. A man seeing his wife wake up from a coma should have had his eyes in tears, but they were not, not a speck of feelings could be sensed from him. A clear indication of the strained relationship.

'I am sorry, I should not have done that!' She stated apologetically, with her eyes lowered.

He did not react immediately to her apology, he did not assure her it was alright, but it also did not feel he was angry at her. It was like the person that she had become had no effect on this man. Was he really her husband?

'In three days you will be able to come home, the doctor already informed me of this. We will see each other then. I will come when you are ready to be discharged.' Zane simply stated, he also did not look at her longer, as he was subtly checking the hand that she had let go of.

Left alone in the room, she sighed again. Just as she thought, the husband did not like his wife at all. How could he not visit her again, considering she was supposed to stay for at least three more days?

This situation made her feel pity for the wife whose soul no longer resided in her current body, but on the other hand she felt relieved. She was no actor, even faking she had amnesia was difficult, she thought. The doctor simply diagnosed her as having amnesia just because of a misunderstanding, were she purposely try to act like that to mislead him, she would never succeed.

Luckily, even if someone were to doubt her, fingerprints and DNA were still the same, and who would ever believe in reincarnation?

The next three days were uneventful, other than the usual checkups no one bothered her at all. Even the nurse only stayed quietly by her side and helped only when she needed.

Taking deep breaths to prepare herself, she sat on the couch waiting for Zane to come and get her. All the paper work was done, as soon as he arrived she would be discharged.

The quiet atmosphere was interrupted as were her thoughts, when the door suddenly opened. She looked towards it a bit frightened, not knowing what the future would bring, but for the children in her womb she would do her best.

Through the opened door, Zane stepped inside accompanied by a male nurse wheeling in a wheelchair.

'Are you ready?' He asked looking towards her, not even exchanging a greeting, before already preparing to take her away.

'Yes.' Aria replied. It seemed to her this was the best way to discuss with this man, ask and answer, without small talk.

He nodded and signaled the nurse to bring the wheelchair to her side.

The male nurse, not knowing the situation, only brought the wheelchair near her and waited for her to sit helped by her husband. If the husband was in the room, surely it would be rude to help her.

Aria did not wait for anyone's help, the growing independency she was slowly getting accustomed to these days was amazing. She liked being able to do things on her own. But she ignored the fact that her giant belly would be a difficult thing for her frail and weak body to move.

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