Chapter 1. The day she died

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Life is too short to not make the best of it ... quite a famous quote.

A good quote actually, but does it apply to everyone's life?

One might think that a human lifespan of eighty, ninety or even a hundred years is quite a long one. It would be a reasonable amount of time to do whatever you have dreamed of and more, regardless of who you are.

A lifespan of fifty, sixty or seventy years is still quite sufficient to make your most fervent desires come true, regardless of where you come from.

Even a lifespan of twenty, thirty or forty years, although shorter, should still be enough to leave some meaningful and everlasting memories behind, regardless of your faith and gender.

But, in reality, as a hundred years old man or woman , when you look back down the road, you would still, perhaps, think that there were so many things that you could have done more, more precious memories to make.

Perhaps, you could have had one more time to enjoy a dance, one more hobby to take on, one more vacation with your family, one more Christmas with your loved ones fighting over warm cocoa and cookies, one more kiss to share with your chosen one, one more day in his or her company.

At the end of the day, even a hundred years, perhaps, might be too short.

So the quote above is quite useful reminding you of one of the most important gifts you can receive, an irreplaceable one ... time.

Getting the meaning of it, between working long hours and stressing jobs, at least from time to time, humans try to make the best out of their time on Earth.

But, what happens when you can't even make the best with what time you have left, when even the short time that has already passed was only lived for the sake of living.

Connected to machines for most your life, sick from the moment of your birth, abandoned by the ones who should have loved you, without even once holding your small baby body... can you still make the best of the time you have?

Can you enjoy your life, when even breathing comes with great pain, when you feel you are just a moment away from complete suffocation, if not for the machine that constantly pumps air in your tired and weak lungs?

When the IV filled with fluids are the only nutrients that can keep your body alive and running?

Can you be happy, when all you can do is stare at the care center's ceiling, listening to the small raindrops incessantly hitting the windows of your room, and think when would all these finally come to an end?

Even the books that at least offered some soothing thoughts in the past, helping you travel with your mind's eye, making you imagine a different kind of life, encouraging you to see anything but the cruel reality, no longer offer any comfort, as you no longer even have the strength to read them and no one else would bother to read them to you.

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