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I made it back to camp. I trip every so often cause I lose my balance but I have to get back to Leo.

A hint of red is sprinkled along my jacket. I come to familiar trees, I look up to see Leo looking down at me. "Your back!" He said not to loud. Climbing down the tree to see what I had in the bag I took from Adelynn.

"Woah!" I hadn't looked yet so I hope it's good. "Two apples!" He bit right into it without a second though. He handed me the other one, I had a lose grip as I raised it to my mouth. The crunch of the apple is like music to my ears. The juice made a prominent ring around my mouth.

I shut my eyes enjoying it. "This is the best apple I've ever had." Leo said with a mouth full. "Truly." I mumble.

"Come on lets get back in the tree." We've stayed out in the open for a bit to long. "Ugh I hate the tree! It hurts my butt. When can I go explore?"

His constant whining about everything is getting on my nerves. He's only twelve I repeat in my head.

"Well let's see." I wrap my hand around a limb of the tree and pull myself up. "We are in an arena full of kids who want to kill us." I bent over and gave him a hand to get up.

"And they really want to kill you cause apparently we are supposed to have the most sponsors." "But we have none." "Exactly. And I personally don't think they are gonna let us explain that to them. When they see us. We are gonna be dead." I looked him in the eyes fear laced his expression.

"I'll... I'll stay in the tree." I nodded and continued to climb. I don't want to scare him but, he needs to know.

After a few minutes of silence I hear a twig snap. I look at Leo who's eyes are wide. I put my finger to my lips to tell him to be quiet.

"I'm telling you, their here." "Malik we have been walking for hours. Can't we just go back to camp. These foot prints could've been from anyone. "She's right Malik."

Malik and Rubye from district twelve come into my sight. Milo from district eleven slowly following behind.

"Malik I don't like Willow being alone at the camp. It's not safe with the careers around." Milo said he only has a bag. He keeps adjusting he's hand in his pocket that's when I see a white around his wrist.

"And I told you she will be fine! We need a bigger team and you saw Cypress at the cornucopia. She killed like four people. Including a career member. We need her on our team."

I looked at Leo who's looking at Malik. "We are up here!" Leo yells. I shove my hand over his mouth. They all looked up luckily their about twelve feet away so their looking in the wrong trees.

"Who was that?" "I don't know, but who ever it was they were loud. And we are right around where we last saw the career pack. The could be here any second."

Just then a cannon went off.

"Willow." Milo gasped. "We don't know that. It could've been anyone." Rubye put her hand on Milo's shoulder. "Malik I'm leaving to go check you can either follow or stay here." He turned walking the opposite direction. "Malik, come on. Suns about to go down. We need to go." His shoulders slumped and walked away following Milo's tracks.

"Leo!" I scolded once they were far enough away. "You almost got us killed!" "No, I almost got us a team!" I huffed. "Theirs no teams in the hunger games." "Aren't we a team?" "Yes. There's no teaming with other districts. They could kill us at any moment." He nodded. "I'm gonna go to bed." He moved so his backs to the trunk of the tree.

"Night Leo." I got up and went to the opposite side so we could put the rope around us so we don't fall.

Rain started to fall making it harder to sleep. My hands are bright red. My knuckles are starting to crack. Red dry blood took cover under my fingernails.

The loud noise came over the arena.

Fallen tributes.

District ten Nathaniel
District ten Adelynn

A video of Nathaniel's death played first.

Then Adelynns death played this time instead of the kill it was the fight going into the kill. My voice was all over the arena.

"We have... soup, warm soup it's in a thermos. And... a warm blanket." "That's all?" "So far, but if we protect Leo I promise more will come." She stared into my eyes. Her knife started to lower from my jawline.

My mouth didn't line up with the words but I know people will just hear about all the fake sponsors we have. The game makers basically put a bounty on my head.

After the video stopped it went back to a quiet arena as a video of Elliot from district two killing Willow.

A beeping noise appeared. I turned to see Leo fast asleep. I suppose the cloth around his face is making him warm enough to sleep. The weird box got stuck on a limb a few branches up.

I untied the rope that was around my waist. And climbed up the tree. The parachute had gotten stuck on some twigs which made it tangle together. once I finally made it I saw the metal box, it was like ice to touch.

I carefully opened it, I have no clue what could be in here.

'To keep you warm, your doing great.'
F.O. And R.N.

The note said. F.O? I know R.N is Roland. I shake my head at the note and look inside. It's a pair of black gloves on the inside it's the most softest fabric I've ever felt. I wiped my hands from the rain so I don't get rain into the gloves.

Right as I put my hand in my hands instantly warmed up. I smile in satisfaction.

I suppose we will get sponsors. The irony that the game makers would send it now.

I suppose the beeping was loud and everyone that has watched the games before knows the sound.

They just gave us away.

End of day two


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