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When does it start to feel like I won?

After I got picked up I was rushed to a room in the hovercraft. They took my jacket and shoes off. Stitches and patches were all I could see them doing.

I'm so numb by the cold I felt nothing, when the needles where pressed into my skin.

A blanket draped over my shoulders. A man with wrinkles all over his face sat in front of me. He didn't say anything he just tilted my head back and put ointment on my forehead.

"Five minutes till entering!" A voice across a speaker said.

They checked every inch of my body. When they touched my hands they flinched from the cold.

Once they were done they left the room.

The door opened up I flinched at the booming sound.

"You may follow us Ms Bennett." I got off of the chair I had been sat on, the bright sun burned my eyes. I dropped the blanket and let the sun heat me up. A smile came across my face.

I wish Leo could've felt this.

"Come on ms we are on a schedule." A man picked up the blanket and rushed me through doors. Into a small room. With medical supplies everywhere.

Doctors came in and out of the room for what felt like hours. They put patches on me to heat my body up. Gave me a warm cup of hot tea, I fell asleep from exhaustion when I woke up there were wires all over me and a glass window... well mirror.

"Ms Bennett. You're finally awake." A voice came through a speaker. "What do you mean?" "You've been asleep for two days." I look down to see blood still over me.

"And you couldn't have wiped me off or something?" "Okay, she seems to be wide awake." A shock went through me making me pass out.

This time when I woke up I'm alone in a grey room. There's only a counter here and a seat. It reminded me of the room I was in with Blossom before the games. I sat with my back against the wall. The blanket covering every inch of me.

It seems like I can never get warm now.

The metal door opens again this time three people walk in. I looked up. It was.

Blossom, Lilac, and Roland.

I jumped to my feet dropping the blanket and rushed to hug them. My body landed on Roland first. I shoved my head in the crook of his neck, his hands were around my waist holding me up. I felt other arms wrap around me the warmth of their bodies warmed me.

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