part 5

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Even before Akira could slay the spider monster, a sudden Earthquake made him lose his balance. He fell not being able to balance himself. Everyone had paused for a moment with the sudden change of the situation. Even the spider was confused.

The earth under the Spider monster cracked open swallowing him completely!

Kumo widened his eyes. His mind only uttered one thing. Another Sun warrior!

Luca fell onto the ground out of nowhere. The spider webs were cut open by a sharp object like a dagger. Luca took a large sum of oxygen, trying to control his breathing. He looked up to see a boy standing next to him. His breath was caught on his throat seeing his savior. His one and only bully, Lewis Williams.

Akira widened his eyes. The person who saved them was the last person he expected to come to right now. Nevertheless, Izumi looks pleased to see him.

Kumo gritted his teeth. He extended his arm but even before he could release his spiders, his arm was cut off by his elbow. His glare went to Izumi who had just cut off his arm. His arm had landed on the rooftop behind Izumi.

Izumi was about to initiate another attack but was blown away by a strong wind. When she opened her eyes, a large spider was behind him. No, not one, five spiders in a row! They had come out from the cut-off hand! If Luca didn't save Izumi on time, her heart would have been pierced by a tentacle.

Luca put Izumi on the ground safely and turned to Kumo and his spiders who were still on the rooftop. Kumo was hissing in pain. He immediately rushed to his cut-off hand extended his half arm. With spider webs, he rejoined his arm! It seems like those webs had special powers like rejoining broken parts??

"It seems like another warrior had found his way to his highness. Tsk, how annoying. Doesn't matter, as long as I can take back his highness", Kumo looked at his spider monsters. "Go my sons! It's a feast tonight! hahaha"

Akira looked at his sister. She could fight on her own. And Luca, he had the wind power while Lewis had his own whatever the power. But what does he have? Will he be the feast tonight?

He felt utterly useless in front of them. He was startled when Luca and Lewis stood in front of him. Even both of them were startled by their own actions. It was their body reacting before their minds. Their bodies immediately put themselves before Akira.

Izumi looked at Kumo.

"Izumi, you can go", Luca's voiced out. "He's yours to deal with. We'll protect Akira"

Izumi didn't need to look back. She slew the first spider monster before jumping on their bodies and landing on the rooftop again.

Kumo tsked seeing Izumi again. His eyed went to both Luca and Lewis who were protecting Akira with their powers.

"I've never heard of you before. Who are you?", Kumo was genuinely curious about Izumi. He could easily recognize the three teenagers but the girl was a special case. "You are a worthy opponent  I've met. It would be a pleasure to know you"

Izumi was standing motionless with her two swords. Her aura wasn't second to a king almost giving shivers to Kumo.

"You don't need to know me. If you had the chance, you can ask the afterlife judges once I killed you"

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