Chapter 3

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Feeling the eyes of the wanted female students, Akira swirled in the mid-air, pulling his amazing stunts with his skating board. He smiled widely when everyone stared at him in awe. This is his weekend plan which was to impress the neighborhood ladies. The street was filled with all types of girls from young to youth, praising him for his unique ability to pull stunts in the mid-air with his skating board.

At the back of everyone, Luca stood swaying his hands here and there along with the rhythm of Akira's swirling body. He was sweating furiously, fearing that he would accidentally drop Akira while he is in the act of impressing ladies. Akira was blindly believing Luca while on the other hand, Luca was on the verge of peeing in his pants. He wasn't that much confident with his power.

"Tsk tsk, look at him taking all the credits of your hard work", Izumi appeared behind Luca with a lollipop in her hand.

For a moment, Luca almost dropped Akira on the ground which somehow didn't go unnoticed by Izumi. She laughed, shaking her head. "Just drop him, Luca"

"Haha, You are kidding right?", Luca laughed nervously, not knowing if she was serious but he only earned a little giggle from her.

Izumi waved at her brother who just rolled his eyes in return as usual.

Akira had enough of showing off and was about to signal Luca to stop but all of a sudden, everything paused. He didn't really take it seriously until three passed. He neither fell onto the ground nor did anyone make a move. Even a random fly had paused in front of him. It took a few minutes for him to understand what had just happened. The time had stopped! He looked around only to see the paused figures of the ladies who were staring at him with their unwavering frozen smiles.

What's happening? W—What the hell is going on?! I'm in the mid-air! Luca! Sister!

He looked at his best friend and sister only to see their paused figures behind everyone's back. Both of them were paused as everyone! Izumi was still in her position of wavering at him and Luca's hands were still in the air —in his wind-controlling position!

Just as he was about to jump down, he stopped seeing a small figure appearing behind Luca and Izumi. The figure looked like a little kid in his early adolescence. It was a boy with pitch-black hair which had a strange silvery-white color at the tip of his hair. His eyes had the color of Sun, bright reddish-orange color which symbolically resembled the Sun. They were fathomless in many different ways. Wearing a pitch-black outfit, he stood proudly with his hands behind his back. He seemed to be younger than Akira and could be considered as an early teenager but the aura around him said otherwise. He had a look of maturity.

But the most important thing was —he could move! He wasn't paused as the rest of the world. He walked forward and stopped in between Luca and Izumi which somehow gave a terrible heart attack to Akira.

"You —", Akira couldn't continue when the boy changes Luca's hands' position. He tried hard to jump down but he was stuck in his weird position in the mid-air. He could only watch helplessly.

The boy clenched Luca's hands into a fist and looked back at him with a smirk.

"Who the hell are you?!"

The boy gave him an amused look at him but didn't say anything. Akira couldn't process anything, what was happening? Is this a dream? But it seemed too real.

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