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"Stay calm, y/n," Nikki reassures me as I stand in front of the mirror with sweaty palms. "You look beautiful. It'll all be worth it in a few hours."

"Yeah, you're getting hitched!" Tommy yells excitedly. I don't know who let him back here while I got ready to get married, but they need a stern talking to.

"Tommy, shut up," I say but can't help but smile.

It's true, today I'm getting married, or hitched I guess if you're Tommy. Either way, I'll be married in about two hours. It's a little crazy to think about.

"To Dream, too." Tommy's eyes go wide as he continues.

"Is that so surprising, Tommy?" I ask him in the mirror.

"I just think you could do better than him," Tommy jokes, "Have you ever considered the queen?"

I roll my eyes, turning to allow Nikki to fix my hair.

We all turn in unison when there's a soft knock. Nick and George are peaking their heads inside the room.

"What do you want?" I ask blatantly to mess with them.

"Are you ready?" Nick almost sounds bored.

"Yes." I turn to walk out the door before pausing. Both of them have their hands over eyes, not looking at anything. "What are you doing?"

"It's bad luck to see the bride on their wedding day," Nick says matter-of-factly.

"Are either of you the groom?" I ask with a smile, thankful neither of them were.

"No," George answers before realizing what I was saying. He then takes his hands off his eyes. "Sapnap, you are an idiot. I am never listening to you ever again."

Nick takes his hand off his face. "What do you mean? I thought it was like a super.. super...Superstitch."

"Superstition?" George asks with a disgusted face. "You really are an idiot."

"What?" Nick asks, "It's a hard word. I mean- woah, y/n."

He pauses after he glances at me in my wedding dress. Both boys stop to stare for a moment.

"Damn," George says finally, "You look like you're actually getting married."

"That's because she is, dipshit," Tommy yells out from behind me.

"What are you even doing in here, Tommy?" George asks, "This is supposed to be for bridesmaids."

"We're going to have to put you in the dress they're all wearing." Nick pretends to start looking for one.

"Shut up," Tommy rolls his eyes.

Nick and George focus on me once more.

"Seriously y/n," Nick says quietly, "Clay is the luckiest guy on the planet."

I blush. I wipe my eye gently as a preventative measure for tears. I can't get emotional yet.

"Thanks guys," I go to give them both a hug, "This means a lot."

We release from our little huddle, and Nick yells. "Let's get this gal married!"

The ceremony was beautiful. We both ended up shedding some tears when it came to saying our vows. Now we're sitting at the reception as Nick gives his best man speech. So far it's... interesting.

"I am very surprised Clay was even able to pull y/n. I mean, look at him and then look at her. I just can't even believe it." Nick laughs at his own joke. "Jokes aside, you guys are a really good couple, and I can tell that none of this was sheer coincidence. You guys mesh and you guys are meant to be together."

I wipe a tear from my eye with a smile. Clay gets up from his seat to give Nick a hug and gives me a kiss when he sits back down.

I drag Clay onto the dancefloor as the music starts. After a while everyone starts to join us.

"Happy wedding day," Clay whispers as he pulls me closer.

"Happy wedding day." I smile.

Jack Manifold appears next to us as we're dancing.

"Great wedding!" he says as he bobs his head back and forth to the beat. With those words being said, he dances away before either of us can answer.

Clay and I start to laugh as he joins Tommy.

"What just happened?" Clay glances down to me.

I shake my head. "I don't think Jack even knows."

A slow song begins to play, and Clay pulls me closer to dance for the rest of the night.


jack got to go to the wedding ahh


the streamer next door | dreamwastaken x reader fanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora