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~the next day~

I finish making the cookies around 6:00. Perfect timing to get my mail. I want to somehow be able to give cookies to Clay. I want him to know that I have baking skills.

I walked out of my apartment, sad that Clay wasn't walking out at the same time. I never see him walking down, so I assume he goes somewhere before he goes to the mailroom.

I must be right because he's there wheneverI get there. I pat Dylan the cat on the head, and walk over by Clay as I wait for him to finish up.

"Hey, Clay," I say as I lean against the wall.

"Hey, y/n, how are you doing today?" he asks as he locks his box.

"Pretty good. How's yours?" I say as I unlock my box and grab my mail. Small talk. Yuck.

"Mine was pretty good. I just got a little work done."

Usually this is the part where he says bye and leaves, but this time he stays to talk.

"That's great. I need to get some done tonight." And by that, I mean I'm streaming.

"I think I'll pop in and do a little online, but nothing big." He says as I close my box.

"Looks like we both have some exciting nights then." I laugh.

"Oh yeah, totally."

I walk by the cat again and give him a little scratch. "Bye Dylan."

He laughs a little as he opens the door for me. "What did you just call that cat?"

"Thank you," I say as I walk through. "And that's Dylan. He's our building cat. Have you never noticed him?" I ask.

"I've seen him and pet him, but I didn't know he had a name."

"Yeah," I press the button to the elevator, the door opens immediately. "He appeared like two years ago, and some ladies in the building, Ms. Donna and Ms. Mathilda decided to feed him in the mail room."

"And now he just sticks around?" he asks as we ride through the elevator up to our floor.

"Exactly. He gets a lot of love and attention, so I don't think he minds it at all." I say.

"I've fed him tuna on a couple occasions if we're being honest." He lets me walk out of the elevator first before we make our way together to our doors..

"I think we all have." I laugh. I don't want this conversation to end, but I don't know what else to add about Dylan.

He starts to unlock his door before I say,

"Hey, I made cookies. Do you want some?"

He hesitates for a second. I can tell he wants some. "Aren't they for a party? I don't want there to not be en-" he begins.

"Nonsense. I make cookies for everyone." I wave it off as I open my door. "Come on in. They're still fresh."

I'm secretly glad that I cleaned my apartment while the cookies baked. I walk over to the cupboard to grab a plate.

"It smells amazing in here." he says as he walks in.

"Oh thank you, I bake a lot so I'm used to it."

"You and I should become very close in that case." he says with a smile.

My heart flutters a little. "I think I could handle that." I placed some cookies on the plate I grabbed.

"It's a deal then. Do you cook for all the game nights? Those are bimonthly or something, right?" he asks as he looks at a painting in my small living room area.

I smiled when he remembered. "Yeah they are, and, uh, yeah I do. As a professional, it's been forced onto me."

He chuckles. I wonder what it would be like to hear him really laugh. I've never been given the opportunity to hear it before. I bet it's cute.

"Actually," I continue, "it's with the same people that named Dylan. They're like the cool people of the building. They're older so they have stories, and, boy, are those fun." I put a plastic wrap on the plate to protect the baked goods.

"Sounds like a great group of people."

I think for a second. I really want to hang out with Clay outside of the mailroom. Today is the most we've ever talked. I want to talk to him more. I decided to take a leap of faith.

"You should come." I say as I hand him the cookies. "Are you doing anything tomorrow night?"

He looks surprised. "Well, no,"

"Then you should stop by. We meet at eight o'clock. You can meet me at my apartment and we could head up together." I try to sound chill when I'm actually super excited.

"I wouldn't want to impede on this super secret cool people club." he says with a little smile. Is that a tad bit of hope I hear in his voice?

"Well, don't you worry bout a thing. I'm apart of the super secret cool people club, so I can get you in. My dad and Mr. Williams, the building manager, went wayy back."

"I mean that would make it a once in a lifetime opportunity then."

"It would. Are you in?" I lean against the counter and give him a smile.

"Yeah, I guess I am in."

authors note:

have a great day


word count: 895

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