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I walk over to Clay's apartment with a to-go bag from the bakery. I have rejected cupcakes and cookies from our batch that we made today.

I knock on the door. It's 8:01. We said 8:00, but I thought it would be too eager to show up right on the dot. I figured one minute later would make me seem 'cooler'. Okay, well maybe not when you put it that way.

Clay opens the door. "Hey, come on in!"

I walk in and follow him through the apartment. It's a more modern, larger version of mine. The kitchen and living room are in the same place, although they're more updated than mine. I can also tell that it has at least two more rooms than mine. I notice that all his doors are wide open except for one. I wonder what's in that one. Of course I want to go into the one closed room. I'm such a nosy ass...

"Can I get you anything?" he asks me as I prop myself up on a bar stool. "I was just about to order pizza."

"I should be alright." I shrug, glancing around the kitchen. I notice a cat walking towards me, and I lean down to pet it. "Are you the famous Patches?"

"In all her glory." He leans against the counter as he watches me pet the cat.

I scratch behind her ear. "I really should get a cat or something. I almost snatched Dylan up the other day.

"People would've come after you if you took Dylan. I might not be able to be seen with you if you took him." He chuckles at himself.

"Whatever, I didn't take him for a reason. It's not like I'd be a bad owner!" I defend myself.

"Do you know how much that fat cat gets fed a day? You'd be broke.. And that's if you can even carry him up to your apartment." He grabs his phone from the counter.

"Never underestimate a woman and her love for animals. They can do anything." I say assuredly.

"I'm just saying.. It's a fat cat." he seems distracted from something on his phone. "What kind of pizza do you want?"

"Surprise me." I smile. I honestly don't have a preference, but I want him to be able to get what he wants.

"Oh okay. You might regret that one. Do we want cheesy bread?"

"I can't believe you even asked me that question, honestly." I shake my head.

He's still looking at me with a confused face, asking me with his eyes what the answer was.

"Duh," I say plainly. I hope he doesn't get garlic or something. I don't want my breath to stink for Clay.

"Alrighty. It will be delivered in like thirty minutes." He slips the phone back into his pocket.

"Oh let me show you what baked goods I got from work," I open the to-go bag and lay them out on his counter. "We have some botched cookies that Randy tried to make, so we get to enjoy them. And these are extra cookies from a birthday party today. We overestimated how many we would need."

"These look amazing, y/n." He leans over to look at all the options. He picks up a sugar cookie and takes a bite. "Ohh these are so good. Did you make these?"

I laugh. "Thank you. I did make them all. The party was technically my, uh, client." I grab one of the cookies as well. It tasted pretty good actually.

"You're amazing." He walks into the living room towards the TV, "Let me get the TV up and running. We don't have to watch the movie right away if you don't want to."

The pizza comes shortly and we eat as we talk about out lives. Clay seems to have such a fiery passion about everything he does. I hope that people can see that kind of passion in me.

We move to the couch for the movie. I try not to freak him out and sit too close to him. He presses pause before the opening credits.

"Wait, we need those cookies," he says as he gets up to grab them from the kitchen. He sets them on the coffee table in front of us. He sits down, closer than he was before. I try to control my breaths.

As we watch the movie, my head moves closer to his shoulder. He wraps his arm around me during the middle. I felt more relaxed and safe than I have in a very long time.


have a great day :)

word count: 773

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