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"Here are your dozen assorted bagels, hope you enjoy them!" I say in my best customer service voice.

I sigh as she walks out. It looks like our morning rush is finally over. There are only a few seats that are taken. A lot of them are people who work primarily online that want a change of scenery. I started to clean up some of the tables.

I put the used dishes in the sinks, and am washing my hands when the door opens.

"I'll be right with you!" I called out. I'm currently the only one at the bakery. Ms. Marcy had to go to a doctors appointment once all the baked goods were finished this morning.

I turn to the counter and smile when I see a tall, green-eyed man. "Hey Clay! What can I get for you?" I say.

"Can I have a coffee and a bagel?" he asks.

"Of course. Let me get that for you." I walk over to get his food ready. "How are you?" I ask as I press start on the coffee maker.

"I'm doing alright. Just thought I'd come here to do some work. Nice change in scenery." He says.

"A lot of people come here for those reasons. It's a great place to do that, too." I grab the bagel from the display. "Are you working on a big project?"

"What?" he asks. He looks a little panicked.

"For programming. Do you work for a company orrr?" I ask. I was positive he said he was a programmer.

"Ohhh I work more for like individuals." He says.

"Oh thats cool." I say, "Here's your bagel. Your coffee should be ready soon."

"Okay thank you," he says, "how are you doing?"

"I'm doing alright. Just working a lot with this job and my other." I say.

"You work two jobs?" he asks.

"Oh yeah, it's a computer job. Editing and stuff." I try to keep it vague, so I'm not lying.

"That's cool. I occasionally have to edit certain things for my job. It's a lot of fun." he says.

Editing video format for a programming job? That's usually not what they do. I wonder if he works multiple jobs or something.

"I honestly love doing it. Like seeing concepts that I thought of come to life. It's super satisfying." I say as I pour his coffee into a cup.

"I totally agree. I get that a lot with coding too." I look up to see him with a big smile on his face. That's adorable.

I hand him his coffee. "Enjoy. Have fun working."

He smiles. "Thank you." He looks like he wants to say something else but ultimately decides against it.

I continue to work. I try to look busy since Clay is there. He seems so hyperfocused on what he's doing on his laptop. He seems really passionate about what he does from the conversations we've had.

After I've cleaned up the front, I go towards the back to start working on a wedding cake. I make the batter and put the cakes in the oven. When I come out I notice Clay seems to be done with his work. He's sitting on his phone.

Business is slow, so I sit on a stool and sketch out an idea for a birthday cake for a client. I get the colors and the basic design down before I start to stress about the details. I bite the top of my pencil and glance up from my sketch.

Clay is looking at me. I blush and give him a little smile. He smiles back at me and looks back at his phone.

I wish I had the balls to just ask him out already. I was pretty sure that he might like me, but I don't want to chance being wrong.

Clay starts to pack up his laptop. He walks over to the counter. "Whatcha working on?" he asks.

"A cake idea. I have to sketch them for the clients." I sigh, thinking it's nice to have a little break.

"That's really cool. You do all the designs?" He leans against the counter as he looks at the sketch.

"Pretty much. I do a lot of the decorating too." I watch his eyes as he studies my work.

"That's really fucking cool, y/n." he smiles.

"Thank you," I blush a little.

"I actually came over here to ask you something," he says.

My heart speeds up a little bit. "What's up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner sometime." He says.

"Really?" I internally slap myself for how squeaky my voice sounded right there.

"Yeah I thought it could be a lot of fun. What do you think?" he asks.

"Umm, yeah that sounds great." I say, trying my hardest to sound casual but failing.

"How does tomorrow sound?" He has a smile on his face now.

"That sounds.. Great." I say, trying to think of how I could get out of Quackity's stream.

"7:00 sound good?"

"That sounds.."

"Great?" he fills in.

"Great." I say with a smile.

He chuckles. "Alright, I will see you then, y/n." He slightly taps the counter and winks before he walks towards the door.

"Yupp. See you then, bye." I call out.

Oh my gosh I have a date tomorrow. And not just any date.

A date with Clay.


 thank you guys so much for reading! it truly means the world! 

im ngl when i wrote my first story, the whole thing was in my head from beginning to end.. but this time i've been using different things that i had in my head and making them fit in my storyline (grocery store, loud neighbor, baking a lot)

 anyways, im trying really hard to improve my writing and storytelling skills. ik its a work in progress but thanks for sticking through it with me.

 im super excited for where im planning this to go.. hope you enjoy!

 have a great day byeee :))

word count: 1008

the streamer next door | dreamwastaken x reader fanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora