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I've been streaming with a couple people from the dream smp for a little bit.

"Are you a fart? Because you blew me away." Sapnap laughs.

I roll my eyes, glad I don't have a facecam on right now. The guys are doing a pick up line bit, and they're actually horrible.

"I'd take you to a movie, but they don't let you bring your own snacks." George reads from a website he found.

"If you were a burger at McDonalds, then you'd be McGorgeous." Quackity laughs.

"You must be jelly cause jam doesn't shake like that." Dream lets out a little wheeze after he tells his line.

"Dream are you picking girls up at a club?" I ask, laughing.

"What? No." He says quickly.

"You just said that they were shaking. Like a club." I say.

"I never said any of this!" Dream says, but he's laughing with us.

"That's right. Dream is too much of a pussy to ask a girl out." Sapnap says.

"You right you right." I nod my head even though stream can't see me.

"That's because girls are always asking me out first." Dream informs us.

"Bullshit." I say immediately.

"What? It's true."

"I don't believe that." Sapnap says, "Not because girls can't ask guys out, but there certainly are  no girls asking Dream."

We all start laughing.

"Wait, do guys like it when girls make the first move?" I ask, thinking about my hot neightbor.

I'd love to go on a date with Clay.

"Uh, yeah"

"Of course,"

"Yeah it's pretty nice."

I'm surprised by the agreement. I wonder if I could ask Clay out. We've seen each almost everys single day, and we've updated to having actual conversations too. One day, we spend twenty minutes talking about rude customer service. It was amazing.

"Interesting." I respond, "So, if I asked a guy out... He wouldn't think that it's weird?"

"Defintiely not." Dreams says.

"Yeah go for it," Sapnap agrees.

I smile on the other side of my screen.

Maybe I'll have a date sometime this week.

The next day

I'm practically skipping as I make my way home from work. I can't wait to see Clay. I've worked out my entire plan in my head. I'm going to causally bring up the new sushi restaurant that just opened up next to the bakery, then ask if he may want to go with me sometime.

I walk into the mailroom, happy to see he's already there.

"Hey, y/n," he says as he sees me at the door.

"Hi Clay, how are you today?" I ask, waiting for him to finish up at his box.

"I'm doing good. How are you?" he asks.

This is my shot. Slide it in, y/n.

"Pretty good, I'm starving though." I say as he backs up from his box, but stays in the room.

"Me too." was all he said.

I close my box and turn to see him checking his phone. I frown.

We start to walk out the door just like we do every day. We walk into the elevator.

"I could really go for some sushi actually." I decided to force the conversation into place.

Luckily, he's already slid his phone into his pocket. "Sushi sounds great right now."

"There's this new place across from the bakery that I really want to try." I say.

"Oh that's cool. You should go after work one day." he suggests.

My heart sinks a little. My spirit I had a few seconds ago is dampened. I can't casually slide in going in together after that one.

I only nod my head. "Maybe I will."

the streamer next door | dreamwastaken x reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now