Chapter 11

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The next morning, Loup woke up early to make Yongsung breakfast so they could get to the café before opening time. He paused when he was finished with the meal. He didnt know how to wake up the sleeping Asian.

He sighed and decided to just let him sleep and read out on the balcony. Twenty minutes later, Yongsung practically skipped into the kitchen, where the smell of food was promised, but Loup was nowhere to be found. He went looking for him and quickly found his hiding spot.

He joined the French male on the balcony and waited. Loup flipped a page before placing a bookmark between the pages and standing up. "I didnt know how to wake you, so I just let you sleep. If we eat quickly and get ready, we might be able to make it before opening time," Loup informed him.

"Oh, sorry. Next time you can just shake me awake or throw a pillow at me if you dont want to touch me," Yongsung replied, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish look.

Loup laughed and led him back to the kitchen. They finished up and went their separate ways to get ready. When they were both finished, they left for the café.

Yongsung of course, got along with everybody. How could he not? Somehow, the unsocial male was very good with people. The week of Yongsungs visit rushed by and before either of them knew it, Yongsung was on his flight back to Korea.

The two kept in contact. Both improving majorly with each others languages.

It was three months before they saw each other in person. Loup and Yongsung were ecstatic to finally be with each other for such a long time. Loup would stay for over a month.

The flight landed and when they saw each other; they hugged each other longer than Loup had willingly let a person in a long time. The days passed, and they lived in harmony like a well-oiled machine. They would have minor disagreements, but they would pass quickly.

Unfortunately, it had been working out too well, and Loup was developing feelings for his friend. It scared the shit out of him.

Throughout his time there, he had grown more and more comfortable with Yongsung's touches. There were still days where he wasn't in the right headspace to be touched and Yongsung would respect that.

Loup was in Yongsung's kitchen when the male went looking for him. Yongsung approached him nervously before gently pulling him away from the counter and turned him to face him. Loups breath hitched at the proximity of the Korean male.

"Loup, I have something to tell you. Even if you dont feel the same, I have to get this off my chest. I've known you for over nine months and I've begun to develop feelings for you. If you dont feel the same, I understand and hope youll still accept my friendship," Yongsung nervously rambled in French.

Loup wrapped his arms around Yongsung. "I like you too, Sung," Loup replied in Korean. Yongsung leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on the French males nose. Loup smiled at the cute gesture before placing a peck on Yongsungs lips and turned back to the food, giving the blushing male time to recover.

They were going to be alright. They would have disagreements and misunderstandings, some of which caused by mistranslating. They continued to learn for each other, because they found peace and comfort in the others presence.

Oh my gods I'm so sorry for publishing late! I was babysitting some kids with another girl and I just never got the chance to update! Anyway, are you guys happy they finally got together? I know I'm pretty happy about it. I do believe this is the second to last chapter guys! The next one will be a scene I really wanted to happen but I didn't know how to fit it into the story so I wrote it and decided to make it a bonus.

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- Your Bea

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