Chapter 1

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Loup was ecstatic to finally meet his boyfriend of seven months in person. Loup had convinced Tyson to let him come to California so that he could explore instead of Tyson going to him in France.

Sure, Loup didn't know English, but he didn't plan on leaving Tysons side in the outside world. And when Tyson had to go to work he would just stay in the house.

When they met in the airport Loup allowed Tyson to hug for a long time, something Tyson knew was hard for him. Loup showed his love in small ways, like opening a door for someone or casual quick touches. He would place himself in a dangerous place to keep his loved one safe. But it was never enough, he was never enough. Mostly because of him not enjoying long embraces such as hugs.

When they finally parted Loup felt partially relieved but didnt show it. He loved Tyson, and he would put up with the skin ship even if it made him uncomfortable.

On the way back home Tyson was excitedly babbling and going on about things that made him happy. Loup would put in his occasional response or comment, but allowed the American to keep the conversation alive mostly. He wasn't usually one to talk much, preferring his body language and noncommittal sounds to allow his point across. Yet another thing that had sunk his past relationships. But Tyson didn't seem to mind, happy to keep the conversation flowing for the two of them.

When they got to the apartment, Tyson insisted they cuddle in and watch a movie and explore the next day. Loup didn't want to disappoint Tyson, so he agreed, though the thought of cuddling and being trapped in someone's arms made his skin crawl and stomach turn. They watched some romance movie that was in English with French subtitles.

Loup didn't comment on the genre choice. He had only once before mentioned that he didn't like romance movies. Tyson probably forgot, and he had said that it was one of his favorites. He couldnt complain and make Tyson feel bad; so he suffered in silence, masking as he had been taught to do his whole life.

Loup didn't sleep that night, but when Tyson commented on it he blamed it on jetlag and being in a new environment. Tyson expressed his sympathy and understanding before changing the subject to what they could do that day. Commenting on the fact that he would have to go to work the next day.

Loup quickly got dressed and followed like a lost puppy as they explored California and went into shops. Around noon, they went to a café and sat down. A server approached them, "what would you like?" She asked.

Loup looked to Tyson for help. "I'll have a caramel cappuccino and a butterscotch donut," he told her before facing Loup. "What would you like?" He translated.

"Can I have a peppermint cappuccino with a cream filled donut?" Loup requested. Tyson nodded and translated for the server. She nodded with a smile and walked behind the counter.

"Is there anything in particular you want to do?" Tyson asked.

"What is something that only locals know? What is something you guys do for fun that tourists miss out on?" Loup questioned.

"There's an arcade that I used to love as a teen," Tyson said before seeming to think about what else they could do.

"I'll have to get back to you on that," Tyson said with a chuckle. Loup nodded with his usual uncaring demeanor.

"I'll be right back," Tyson said, getting up and going towards the bathrooms. Unfortunately, the server came back with their things and asked him a question in English. He panicked before remembering he had a phone. He opened his translator and sheepishly looked at her.

"Can you uh say it again?" He asked, trying to get the right English words he had picked up on. She smiled and nodded in a sweet, understanding way, making relief wash over him as she repeated her sentence into the translator.

"Will this be all? How would you like to pay?" It said in French.

"Oh! Here!" He said, grabbing his wallet and giving her some of the American dollars he had exchanged earlier that day. "That will be all, thank you," he informed.

"You're welcome!" She said with a wide smile and walked away. Tyson came back a minute later and saw their stuff.

"Thank you for paying, babe," he said, kissing Loups cheek with a quick movement. Loup smiled in response and nodded. He didn't mind the small touches like that; they were enough for him.

They explored for a while longer before going back home and Loup made dinner for the two of them. Tyson smiled and turned on music and held Loup close to him to sway him. Loup stayed calm and accepted the touch, trying to let go of the fear clawing through him.

"Dinners done," he said, thanking whatever greater power helped the words come out clear instead of choked out.

"It looks delicious! Thank you," Tyson chirped, kissing him and taking the bowl that Loup offered. Loup hummed and sat down next to him, allowing himself to eat after he had seen Tyson take a bite.

When they finished, they both did the dishes and got ready for bed, seeing as Tyson had to work the next day. Loup once again was subjected to late night cuddles.

Hope you guys liked it, alright question of the day! What do you think about the characters so far?

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- Your Bea

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