Chapter 2

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He made Tyson an easy lunch and kissed his cheek as he left; he did love Tyson even if he didn't have normal ways of showing it.

He got bored as he stayed in the house, so he grabbed the key Tyson had left for him and went to the same café they had gone the day before. The same girl who had been there the previous day was there and smiled at him.

He sat down, and she approached him. "Bonjour!" She chirped.

"Bonjour," he replied with a smile as he grabbed his translator.

She grabbed it and spoke into it. "Do you want the same as yesterday or do you want something different?"

"Surprise me," he told her. She grinned.

"You got it!" She told him before turning and going back behind the counter.

He scrolled through his phone as he waited for his stuff to come. The server handed him a coffee and a pastry. He thanked her and started his meal. It was delicious! When he finished, he left a tip and walked around, eventually finding a park. He enjoyed the sunny weather until it got too hot for his comfort and he sought cover. He wound up just going home instead of trying to find more to do outside.

That had become routine, he would make breakfast and lunch for Tyson, go to the café around ten in the morning, wander around until he couldn't take the heat any longer and go home and do some sort of exercise (his favorite being dancing), then he would find something to entertain him until Tyson got home. They would talk about Tyson's day at work or something funny his friends had sent them and Loup would tolerate the long touches without freaking out because he knew it's just how Tyson was. He needed to get over his fear eventually. He couldn't make Tyson feel bad.

Loup would make dinner around five unless it took a few hours, then he would start it before Tyson would get home.

Because of Loup's constant coffee visits and TV watching with Tyson, he had made a habit just to have his translator on at all times. It made his life easier, especially since Julia loved to talk to him now that he had become a regular. Julia being the waitress that seemed to be there every day without fail. He would always order a surprise and she would always deliver perfectly.

Everything was going great. His café in France was doing well without him. He loved being around California and being with Tyson, though it was hard for him. One day, Tysons friends had invited him out. Loup had wanted Tyson to go. He insisted he would be fine and Tyson should go be with them; he didn't bother to mention the fact it was their ninth month anniversary. Tyson had needed some time with his friends.

Eventually Tyson caved and told his friends he would go. Loup had smiled at him and kissed his cheek as he left the door.

Alright, second chapter out! Watcha think? Question of the day! What is your favorite drink?

Also, there are some formatting issues when I switch it from my writing program over to Watty so if there are any corrections please let me know in the comments. Thank you!

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