Chapter 5

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Loup took four days of procrastination. Each was spent with Yongsung, before he finally got the nerve to face Tyson. Yongsung had volunteered to go with him, but Loup had declined, saying it was something he had to do on his own. Yongsung assured him that he would be one call or text away if Loup were to need him.

Loup knocked on the familiar cream painted door and waited. It opened a few moments later. Tyson looked terrible. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy, his nose runny, and his face red and blotchy. His clothes were food stained and wrinkled. Good. Loup looked perfectly fine, which only made Tyson feel worse.

"Loup!" He exclaimed and went to hug the French male but was held back by an arm.

"Move. I just came to get my stuff," Loup demanded emotionlessly. Tysons eyes started to fill with tears.

"I'm sorry Loup! I got drunk, I swear," Tyson cried.

"Sorry for what you did or sorry you got caught?" Loup snapped and pushed past Tyson and went around the apartment, gathering his belongings.

"Loup, please, it was a mistake! Please don't leave me! Take me back!" Tyson yelled, tears streaming down his face as he tried to stop Loup from packing.

"No," Loup snapped and grabbed the bags, heading towards the door. He stopped right as his hand reached for the doorknob.

"How long?" He asked. There was no answer. "How long, Tyson," he pressed.

"Our entire relationship," Tyson muttered meekly. Loup nodded and opened the door, leaving for good this time.

When he got back to the hotel room, he broke down crying and called Yongsung. Yongsung, obviously concerned, rushed over to the hotel. When he knocked on the door, it opened and he was greeted with the sight of Loup in a mess.

Yongsung rushed in and was immediately concerned by the state of the French male.

He sat beside Loup and invited him to cuddle. Loup had told him that he usually hated being touched and it made his skin crawl, but sometimes you just needed a hug.

Loup surprisingly accepted and started to sob silently into the crevice between his shoulder and neck. When Loup had calmed down slightly and just stared off into space, he started to shift and get uncomfortable with the embrace. Luckily, Yongsung seemed to understand and allowed Loup to get away from him.

There was a small but defined space between them, and Yongsung was going to respect the line Loup created. "What happened?" He asked.

"He had the audacity to try to make me take him back. I can't believe I fell for such an asshole. I should have known it wasn't a healthy relationship with how much he disregarded my wants and preferences. I should have known better than to believe someone could ever like me. I've always been that one person everyone brushes off. I can never be enough for anybody! He was cheating on me from the beginning," Loup ranted and Yongsung watched as the words were translated.

"Hey, from what I've experienced so far, you are an amazing human being who deserves the absolute best! He was a selfish, disgusting bastard who didn't have the right to even be in the same room as you, let alone have your love," Yongsung stated firmly. Loup was astounded by how much the Korean males words affected him. He cautiously crossed the line and placed his hand over the top of Yongsung's. Yongsung behaved as if it wasn't happening and Loup was still on his side of the line and Loup appreciated that he didn't make a big deal about it.

The two were together every day after that until Loup was getting ready to board the airplane. Yongsung was sad as he watched Loup leave, but they had made an agreement. They would learn each others languages the best they could so they could communicate easily. It took a while, but they eventually got past the language barriers. Loup had taken up Korean faster than Yongsung had picked up French so they mostly spoke in Korean with the acception of a few things.

Hey guys so this chapter happened lol. Question of the day! Do you think Loup should have taken Tyson back?

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- Your Bea

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