Chapter 6

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It was four months after Yongsung finally got back to Korea that they saw each other again. Loup had gone to Korea to visit, and they had been inseparable. They had decided to save Loup money by just having him stay with Yongsung instead of staying in a hotel. They had been planning this for two months, mostly because Yongsung needed someone to accompany him to some big event. That, and they just missed being around each other.

Loup had just exited the plane when he was greeted by an excited Yongsung. Yongsung opened his arms for a hug but allowed Loup to make the ultimate decision. In the end, Loup allowed for a quick five second hug before backing away again. Yongsung grinned, and they started talking about random things in simple sentences, still having to whip out the translator at times.

They entered the condo and Yongsung showed him around and helped him get his few bags into the guest room that had been cleared for his arrival. They walked around and Yongsung showed him things that he liked to do, carefully gauging every reaction from Loup to be sure whether he liked it or not. Loup nearly melted when Yongsung apologized profusely for being knocked into him, resulting in them falling.

Loup, of course, was close to having a panic attack because there was a male body using his full weight to pin him. Of course, Yongsung scrambled away and wouldn't stop apologizing in English, French, and Korean. Somehow, as if he used multiple languages, it would mean more and have more effect. Loup assured him multiple times that it was fine and that it wasn't his fault someone had run into him and shoved him. Yongsung made sure to get Loup one of his favorite treats to accentuate the apology along with still moping around guiltily.

Loup, of course, was feeling bad because he didn't know how to fix it, so he did the only thing he could think of. He wrapped his arm around Yongsung's arm and stayed there. Surprisingly, nausea was lessened, still present, but it was far less than it had ever been since The Incident Yongsung started to cheer up at the fact Loup was touching him and didn't seem uncomfortable. Slowly, he made his way back out of his guilt stricken state and returned to his excitement of showing Loup around his home. Loup didnt let go until they were back at the condo and opening the door.

They acted as if nothing had happened. Everything was surprisingly normal. They helped each other with each others languages. They made jokes and laughed along with each other well into the night before they finally decided to go to bed.

The next morning, Loup woke up uncommonly late but was brought to the kitchen with the promising scent of food. Loup watched quietly as Yongsung made food for the two of them. He was humming some random song as he made it, and Loup found the scene relaxing and amusing.

Yongsung was startled out of his peaceful head-space when he turned around and saw Loup observing the scene. He jumped slightly with wide eyes, exclaiming a curse word before relaxing. Loup just laughed lightly at the reaction. "I made breakfast dont bully me," Yongsung pouted. His French accent slightly off, but Loup could understand what he was saying and held his hands up in surrender as a response.

They sat at the counter and spoke to each others native tongues to try to improve their skills. When Yongsung would make a mistake in French, Loup would correct him and vise-versa. Loup felt more relaxed around Yongsung than he had since before he was changed into who he was.

They started talking about the event and what they would need to do in order to get fully prepared for it. Apparently there was some charity banquet for it and Yongsung was tired of being the brunt end of all the jokes due to never having a plus one.

Hey guys, another chapter published! What do you think will happen at the event next chapter? (If I missed anything in my reformatting please let me know and I'll fix it. I swear I know how to use apostrophes and quotation marks!!! And if there's any spelling mistakes or was to improve things written please let me know as well).

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- Your Bea

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