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the safety of his arms


It all happened in a flash. One second my hands were wrapped firmly around Rafe, he was safe in my embrace and importantly out of troubles way. 

The next second he was kissing my lips gently before shoving my body back further out of sight and then storming towards the scene like a maniac within seconds. 

I couldn't tear my eyes away from his body rushing towards his father, a man he was desperate to protect. I couldn't help but slap my hand over my mouth in shock when Rafe smoothly reached for the gun tucked away in his shorts and pulled it out. That's when my hands began to shake, my eyes went wide and my breathing became rapid. 

Rafe held the gun in the air as he rushed over to where Sherrif Peterkin was putting his father into handcuffs. She'd thankfully moved her gun into her waistband whilst adjusting the handcuffs. 

She wasn't expecting it, no one was expecting it. 

Taking her by surprise Rafe ran up and shoved her body away from Ward effectively knocking her to the ground and knocking her handgun to the pavement out of arm's reach. Rafe then quickly kicked the gun away ensuring no one could grab it. 

I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to do or how to feel. I was truly speechless. My surroundings became to blur and suddenly all I could focus on was seeing my Rafe raise a gun to a police officer with no real plan in his pretty head. 

The shock on everyone's faces was something I'd never forget. The way Sarah clung to John B's body like her life depended on it, the gobsmacked look on Ward's face as he stared at his son like he was crazy, and the smug look on John B's face showing me he was enjoying this way more than he should have been. 

Peterkin looked torn looking between Rafe and Ward but eventually raised her arms in the air once she'd pulled herself off the asphalt ground.

I had to do something. I couldn't let him do something he'd regret. He was running purely on adrenaline and clearly wasn't thinking properly. This was the man I loved, in fact he was my first love and the only person that I felt truly loved me. I couldn't let him mess up the rest of his life and our future together. 

Without thinking for another second I ran out from beside the plane to make my presence known. I ignored my shaky hands and the fear I felt running into a potentially harmful situation, actually probably harmful situation. 

Everyone was screaming at Rafe to calm down and drop the gun but he wasn't listening. He hadn't said a word until he saw me sprint from my safe hiding spot. 

"Willow get out of here!" Rafe screamed immediately spotting me and waved the gun in the air without a care in the world for anyone around him. 

He wasn't thinking clearly I had to keep reminding myself, this wasn't him.

My heart was racing as I ignored Rafe's continuous demands for me to get back to safety and instead I walked closer to the action. 

I ignored his screams and his threats to the best of my ability. 

"Willa I'm serious stay out of this!" he roared again but that didn't stop me from stepping closer.

"Rafe! That's enough! Drop the gun" I yelled trying to talk some sense into him but his facial expression was torn. He kept the same harsh look on his face to the point where he didn't even seem like himself.

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