4: crazier than last year

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"I demand you both to do shots with me" I smiled brightly as Sarah stepped away from her boyfriend and grabbed my hand to pull us towards the table full of alcohol knowing Topper would be following like usual. 

I poured the overpriced vodka into three shot glasses and placed them in my friend's hands.

"Three....two....one" I yelled before raising the small glass to my lips and tipping the liquid down my throat. I watched Sarah and Topper's face scrunch up from the taste as I simply smiled. 

I bought to bottle straight to my lips as the burning sensation ran through my body. Rafe and Kelce walking over to greet Topper was my queue to leave not wanting them to ruin my mood.

My gaze met a group of people walking through to the backyard.

Pogues Vs Kooks was a concept that existed way before I ever did. Whilst I didn't quite agree on how we had to classify ourselves into certain categories just based on where we live. I was a kook through and through, born and raised.

People on both sides took it very seriously, even my best friends and family members.

I saw the appeal of both lifestyles.

Us Kooks had all the luxuries in the world we would possibly need but time after time people proved to be too greedy for their own good, only focusing on money, status, and power. 

I knew there was more to life than that, more than finding materialistic objects to try and fill whatever void needs to be tended to.

Then on the other hand there was pogue life, they got to live carefree without having to live up to impossible expectations. 

I knew I was envious of their lifestyle but had tainted my relationship with the group after Sarah and I had a falling out with Kie freshman year, she'd refused to acknowledge us ever since.

I watched them look around the party they'd crashed but what caught my attention was a blonde boy walking up to me. 

JJ immediately wrapped his arms around my waist slightly lifting my feet from the ground, I laughed as he twirled me around in the air "Willow's back!" he exclaimed as I laughed in hysterics suddenly growing dizzier.

"Hey JJ" I smiled as he hugged me properly this time. 

"Good to see you Baldwin" he smirked. "I missed your smile," he said as I blushed.

JJ and I were familiar with each other. We met through Kie a few years ago and surprisingly JJ and Pope decided to stay friends with me after the falling out. 

JJ and I would sometimes hook up when we were drunk, stoned, or sometimes even lonely. He posed as a good distraction from my home life and I knew he felt the exact same way, seeking comfort from me to avoid his dad.

"My turn!" Pope yelled moving his feet in front of me wrapping me in a tight hug cutting off my circulation almost, "It's so good to have you back" he chuckled. 

"Aw P I missed you" I sang walking out of his embrace and smiling brightly at him. "Missed you too Wills" he responded grinning.

JJ snatched the vodka bottle from my hand thinking I wouldn't notice. "Hey!" I yelled but he'd already bought the bottle to his lips drinking it straight.

"Ready for some fun?" he asked leaning down to my eye level.

"Always" I smirked as we linked arms ready to party the night away. 

JJ and I found ourselves near the alcohol table, which was typical, we both loved drinking and having harmless fun.

JJ eyed a bottle of tequila from the table and quickly snatched it, having a better idea I grabbed his hand and dragged him inside the house. I pulled him further into the kitchen and we both grabbed what we needed.

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