11: all sweet & innocent

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I slightly swayed in my walk as I rounded the porch of the house.

"Willow! c'mere" I Topper yelled out to me, I turned my body around and walked over to where he was sitting, I looked down seeing lines of coke and rolled up cash all sprawled on the coffee table. 

Looking up I saw Topper and Kelce sitting on one couch and Rafe next to a blonde girl on the other couch.

"Come sit" Kelce grabbed my arm pulling me towards him, he and Topper made room for me to sit in between them. 

I turned my head toward Kelce and laughed seeing remnants of white powder under his nose. I edged closer to his face and brought my hand up to his jawline as he stared into my eyes. I proposely avoided his intense eye contact feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"You got a little...." I trailed off moving my thumb to wipe off the power. "You're...welcome" I smiled slightly slurring my words. 

When I turned back to the group I felt Rafe staring daggers into the left side of my head but I smiled sweetly at him too drunk to care. 

Stare at me all you want Cameron. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing the effect he has on me. 

Never again. 

I turned my head to the other side "Hey where's Sarah?" I whispered to Topper.

"She went home" he whispered back responding to my question. I assumed they had a fight considering Sarah left without saying goodbye and Topper was indulging himself in the drugs, which was unlike him.

"You want a line Wills?" Kelce asked as I turned my head back to the table, I saw the girl practically trying to cling off Rafe's body but he looked less than interested. I stared at his arm stretched out resting on the back of the couch.

"She uh looks a little, innocent" The girl said condescendingly with a nasty look on her face.

"Yeah Willow leave it to the grown-ups" Rafe smirked getting on my nerves.

"Oh trust me Willa is the opposite of innocent" Topper said lightly laughing. "She looks all sweet and innocent though" he grabbed my face pushing my cheeks together. I swatted his hands away rolling my eyes. 

The girl next to Rafe cleared her throat before looking back at me "Look sweetie drugs are very bad for a good girl like you" she spoke emphasizing every word like I was a three-year-old. 

I plastered on a fake smile and titled my head to the side looking at the unknown girl.

"Wow really?! I had no idea," I said placing a mocking hand over my mouth acting surprised before rolling my eyes.

She raised one of her perfectly filled-in eyebrows glaring at me, "Look little girl If you don't hit it, then I will" She said with a smug look, I looked beside her to see Rafe with an amused smile.

I let out a scoff as I turned my head to look at Topper who was already looking at me. I almost laughed seeing his look of disgust.

Rafe let out a loud laugh "It's true. She's been pulling, like, I don't know, half a gram tonight?" he said turning his head to the girl as she placed her hand on his chest trying to look seductive. 

I'd only done coke once before at boarding school and it wasn't a horrible experience, I was all about trying things for the experience.

"Unless you're too scared?" she tried to egg me on.

"Do you even know who you're talking to?" Topper asked looking at the girl, I smiled in amusement at her shaking her head.

"Oh, this is gold" Kelce laughed.

"You all are fucking boring me-"

"Shut up Rafe" I interrupted him and shuffled my body onto the edge of my seat and reached to grab a rolled-up note and lowered my head to the table. Without a second thought, I used my index finger to close one of my nostrils and dragged my head along the line inhaling the powder. The burning sensation hit me straight away but I keep my face emotionless.

I looked up from the table and met Rafe's eye contact, he stared at me with a stoic look as I pulled my upper body up and smiled brightly at Topper and Kelce.

"Woohoo yeah, Wills!" Topper yelled throwing his fist in the air as Kelce clapped his hands laughing, "Fuck yeah" Kelce yelled out. I moved my hands through my hair with a smug smile.

"Aw is this you're first rodeo?" the girl said making me let out a small laugh.

"She's Willow Baldwin of course it's not" Topper answered for me as I smiled. Her face turned into an 'O' realizing who I was.


The girl seemed a little frightened which I assumed was the doings of my family's reputation, but she quickly excused herself with a forced smile "Sorry Willow uh good to have you back" she stuttered as I waved.

"Well this sure has been fun boys" I laughed wrapping both my arms around Topper and Kelce's shoulders for a second.

"Feels just like last summer" Kelce laughed.

"Except I won't be making the same mistakes twice," I said looking directly over at Rafe whose face contorted into anger. Topper snickered beside me knowing the meaning behind my words as I tried to fight off the smile on my face. "See you guys around".

Feeling my heart rate rapidly increase I used the railing of the stairs to stabilize myself as I was painfully aware of my surroundings. I managed to climb the stairs until I reached the third floor where I knew the roof access was. The window in the study was wide open and all I had to do was climb out.

Looking down at the party I felt pure euphoria, I felt completely carefree and felt happiness overtake me, I couldn't fight the grin on my face. This high was the same I felt 8 months ago at boarding school and I happily welcomed it.

I watched people splashing each other in the pool, groups playing beer pong but mostly just teenagers laughing and dancing along to the music blasting through the house and backyard.

I wasn't sure how long I stayed up on the roof but the sound of police sirens sent panic throughout my body. 

I was on a fucking roof with multiple police cars pulling up to the house.

"Willow what the fuck"

Hearing the voice behind me, I immediately turned my head seeing Rafe trying to usher me inside, I snapped out of my trance and quickly crawled back in through the window.

I followed his body out of the study and we ran down the stairs onto the second level. He quickly moved his arm out in front of my body not letting me go down the second set of stairs. "Fuck" he muttered, I looked down to see police officers moving through the ground level of the house. Teenagers were running around trying to avoid getting busted for underage drinking or even drug possession.

That's when I turned my head to Rafe in shock "I can't get caught my father will kill me...literally kill me" I whispered paranoid looking around. 

He ignored what I said and instead grabbed my wrist pulling me into a random bedroom. I almost tripped over my own feet but quickly steadied myself still feeling the effects of the vodka I had consumed.

He quickly ushered me into the bedroom closet as the commotion downstairs was heard loud and clear. I really wasn't keen to get busted by the police knowing my father would see me as more of a disappointment or worse send me back to boarding school. 

We stood side by side in the confined space with our shoulders touching.

"Interesting way to end the night" I broke the silence turning my body to face him despite the space being limited in the closet.

"Someone must have snitched," Rafe said lowly scratching his forehead but turning his body to mirror my stance.

"Who would rat us out though?" I glanced up to see him giving me a knowing look.

"Those dirty pogues, I mean, who else would," he said almost laughing but keeping the disgusted look on his face.

I let out a scoff "You don't know that Rafe" I said crossing my arms over my chest as he rolled his eyes.

Same old Rafe.

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