2: the kook princess

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I didn't turn back.

I walked right into my room and stayed staring out at the beach view until I heard my door click open sometime later.

"Welcome home slut" I heard someone walk into my bedroom, and my neck almost snapped at how fast I turned around. I immediately rushed toward my two best friends throwing my arms around them.

"Hi guys" I lightly giggled moving away from Topper and focusing on hugging Sarah extremely tight.

After hugging her I stepped back to Topper "Sup Top" I smiled as he grabbed my body squeezing the living daylights out of me. "No need to kill me" I laughed before wheezing due to his tight hold but thankfully he dropped me to the ground with a guilty look shortly after.

Stepping away from both of my friends I took my time to look at their appearances, it felt like a dream to reunite with them after all this time. 

"I missed you guys so damn much" I smiled brightly at them as they had the same smiles on their faces.

"I missed you too Willa" Sarah wrapped me into another hug as we giggled together feeling like kids again. 

"Thank god you're back...Sarah only mentions you every day" Topper rolled his eyes dramatically watching us break away from each other.

"Aw missed you too Tops" I gushed holding a hand over my heart, he smiled scuffing my hair up, "Missed you Wills" he grinned sincerely.

"I'm so happy you're back...even if it's just for the summer or something" She looked down to the ground lowering her voice.

"I'm...actually staying" I admitted causing Topper to smile and Sarah to jump up and down ecstatically. 

"You're back for good?!" she exclaimed happily wrapping her arms around me again from sheer excitement. I shared her smile before unwrapping my arms and looking between both of them.

"How did you guys know I was home?" I asked genuinely curious.

"Everyone on the island knows about the kook princess returning, and plus someone saw you at the airport and you know how word travels around here," she answered twirling around a strand of her hair looking around my room.

I grunted hearing her words, "I hate that fucking name"

"Own it, babe, I do" she laughed.

"And uses it to her advantage" Topper added gaining a laugh from me.

"So fill me in, what's been happening?" I asked expecting the usual gossip Sarah has under her belt. She somehow was a superpower when it comes to gossip - she knows everything, therefore I know everything whether I want to or not. 

I wasn't expecting them to slyly shuffle closer to each other and intertwine their fingers together. 

"No fucking way!" I gasped in surprise.

Instead of responding they just turned to look at each other with bright smiles, "I always knew you'd end up together! Took you long enough to realize it yourselves" I laughed.

"We've been together for a few months now," Topper said sitting on my bed answering the questions he no doubt knows I'm looking for. 

"What the fuck else have I missed" I sighed sitting down on the bench at the foot of my bed beside Sarah.

"Not much honestly just the regular Outerbanks life" Sarah shrugged her shoulders as Topper nodded in agreement.

"It feels weird to be back" I admit turning my head to look at her.

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