57- Words hurt harder than hits

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Tanya's POV:

We spent another two days in havelock island. It was hard to pretend that everything was okay, but we had to do it for the sake of Rishi and Nikhil.

From there Rishi and Nikhil directly left for their honeymoon and we all came back home.

While everyone else went to their respective homes, Raghav and I directly went to my maternal home. We needed to get permission to take Sia with us, plus we had to see what they were going to tell us about the money.

Mom welcomed us wholeheartedly and ushered us inside.

"How was the wedding?" Mom asked out of courtesy as we sat on the couch.

"Everything went on smoothly", Raghav answered, before questioning her, "How about your health? Are you feeling better now?"

"Yes. I am quite better now. We are really sorry for not attending the wedding. He was really adamant, that I shouldn't overwork my body when I keep getting sick", Mom answered while putting the blame on Dad, who had just entered the room.

"Really sorry, Raghav. But I got to think about my wife", Dad answered with a chuckle, before joining us.

"Of course", Raghav and I joined in the laughter, even if we both knew the real reason behind the stay.

"Mom, Dad".

They looked at me curiously when I suddenly called them.

"Why didn't you pick up the calls? We called so many times", I finally dropped the bomb.

"Call? I didn't receive any call from you". Mom looked genuinely confused. "Wait, let me see my mobile. Look, there's no notification of miscall either", she said forwarding me the phone.

Raghav and I glanced at each other after checking the mobile. She was right, there were no miscalls.

Looking at Mom's expressions, it was clear that she had no idea about it. But Dad's fidgety form gave him away. There was a higher chance that he deleted the call logs from Mom's phone.

I was still thinking how to take the conversation in the direction of the lost money, when Mom paved the way for me.

"By the way, why were you trying to call us? Was there something important that you wanted to inform us?" Mom inquired curiously.

Bingo!! We found the opportunity and Raghav made full use of it.

"We were worried about your health", Raghav spoke tenderly.

"A huge amount was taken from the bank account. The first thought that occurred on our mind was that something happened to you. And that money was used for the emergency treatment.

"That's why we kept calling to check whether you were okay or not", Raghav finished, looking really concerned.

"Oh my!!" Mom's eyes widened with shock.

"How...how can this happen?" Mom asked, looking scared.

She turned towards Dad, whose face had lost colour.

"From where did you come to know about the money?" He asked, instead of showing any concern.

Raghav waved his phone as he replied, "I receive a message whenever any amount is withdrawn".

"Oh! I guess you don't trust Tanya then. We had thought you gave the card to Tanya, entrusting her with money. But you kept a check on her", Dad spoke, turning the direction of the conversation.

"Is That Even Important Right Now?" Mom shouted at him.

"He receives a message because it is a joint account. Just like him, I too got the message but I got to know about it later as I didn't check my mobile at all, that day.

"Now if this is clear, can we talk about the real situation?" I asked in a firm tone, looking at him daringly to bring up a new way to avoid this conversation.

Dad stayed quiet for a few seconds, before apologizing. "I am so sorry. It is all my fault. I was trying to hide this out of shame, but now what can I do when everything is out in open".

I was really shocked but also somewhat happy that although late he was coming into his senses. But he pour water over my dreams when he continued speaking.

"Actually someone stole my wallet when I went to market to buy groceries. Tanya's debit card was inside the wallet and got stolen too.

"I immediately went to police station to complain, but as the card wasn't mine, so the complaint wasn't taken. I am so sorry. I promise to repay you every single penny", Dad cried while joining his hands, asking for forgiveness.

My fists balled up hearing him sprout out lies after lies. He had crossed every limit.

Raghav's palm covered my enclosed fist, stopping me from taking any action.

"Please don't do this. Getting your wallet stolen wasn't your fault. Don't worry about money. I will go to the police station today itself. We will see what can be done. So please, stop crying", Raghav spoke calmly.

I didn't know how he could still pretend to be calm, while a volcano was bursting inside me.

"By the way, I am thinking of taking Sia with us. We didn't get to spend much time with her after our marriage.

Everyone loves her company and we also have a room empty as Rishi isn't here. Plus Sia has her vacations going on. So if you don't mind—"

Mom didn't even let him finish, before agreeing to Raghav's request. Raghav dropped the bomb at the right moment. There was no way, my parents were going to deny his any request right now. That was the life, almost every son-in-law had in our country. They were treated better than the kings.

"Sia go and pack your bags. I will bring some tea, until she comes back", Mom said, before going to the kitchen.

I too followed her, knowing she wouldn't end it with tea. She was definitely going to prepare dozens of snacks, even if her body gave her signals to stop.

"Mom, why don't you come with us?" I tried as leaving her with a monster, scared me.

I didn't think that Dad would hurt her. but still I wanted her to be far away from him. Better safe than sorry.

"What are you saying, Tanya? Grow up, you are not a little kid", Mom said, removing my hand that was resting in her shoulder harshly.

"Mooom", I whined as it hurt.

"Don't Mom me. And stop your shenanigans.

"Don't try to anger Raghav. Agree to his every demand. Raghav is not showing in front of us, but I am sure that he is angry that we lost his hard earned money.

"I am not sure when we will be able to pay him back, so make sure to handle things until then. Even if he hits you. take the hits. I know you are stronger but don't you dare fight back. Take all the blows because your parents have no means to pay him back anytime soon.

"Do you understand".

I knew Raghav wouldn't ever raise his hand at me. And if he did, I was sure that his hits wouldn't hurt me as much as my mother's words did today.

I nodded silently at my mother and left the kitchen without helping her.

"Can we leave?" I whispered to Raghav, after coming out of the kitchen.

"What happened? Are you alright?" He asked looking concerned.

"Let's just leave from here", I requested, barely managing to hide my pain.

"Sure, let me just call Sia", Raghav said and quickly called her out.

We didn't even wait a second after Sia came down. Raghav politely apologized for not staying for tea and snacks, while I just dragged Sia out without any word to them.

It was a great dilemma. I couldn't make my mind. I was still concerned about the well-being of my mom, yet I didn't want to face her ever again.

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