Chapter 26:

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I wake up as the light shines through my window making me slowly rise from my soft cloud I call my bed. After getting ready, I march down to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

"Hi" I nervously greet Zane as he sits down at the dining table with his morning coffee. He just gives me a quick glance from his phone, ignoring to even respond.

"Morning shorty" Isaiah says as he walks in with Malcolm.

"Morning- and don't call me shorty" I say offended.

"Where's the others?" I ask, I honestly only care where Domenic is because Ezekiel scares me too much and I'd rather eat without him staring at me while I do.

"They've left on a business trip and will be back on monday" Isaiah answers as the other two stay silent making me believe that they've gone back to hating my guts. It's Friday today so that means my two oldest brothers will be back in 3 days.

"Quit standing there and eat your food" Zane harshly orders, making me flinch.

"Yeah sure Mr grumpy pants" I mumble under my breath for no one to hear.

"What, you're inviting that nerd too?" Isaiah asks with a chuckle, looking at Zane with disbelief. 

"Yeah she's fucking hot what can I say" Zane shrugs with a smirk.

"She confessed her love to me so invited her. I'll have my go at her and then never talk to her again like the rest" Zane says like it's no big deal.

"Don't forget to invite that slut Taylor too, she gives out the best blowjobs I swear" Zane says with a smirk as Isaiah chokes on air.

'Blowjob? like blowing up balloons right? I did that once at my old school. My classmates called it the blowing job because I had the responsibility to blow up all the balloons'.

"What the fuck man! don't talk like that in front of our little sister" Isaiah says, giving Zane a scary look, earning a scarier one in return.

"It's fine, she probably has no clue of what it is," Malcolm says, rolling his eyes.

"Yes I do" I say, making them snap their heads towards me.

"I had a blow job once. It was really fun and I was super good at it too" I innocently say with a proud smile. 'I sure did blow a lot of balloons that day'. I look at my brothers to see them staring at me with widened eyes like they're possessed.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!?" Zane yells with fury, standing up and grabbing my collar. I feel my eyes watering from the look of his deadly glare as I grab his wrist to let me go.

"W-what do you m-mean? I just had a blowing job once" I say with a trembling voice.

"Blowing job?" Isaiah asks with a raised eyebrow as I hesitantly nod.

"Y-yeah, I had to blow some balloons for school" I say as Zane lets me go, sitting on his chair and covering his face with his hands as he groans.

"I never want you using that word again, understand?" Zane asks with a stern voice as I nod. The drive to school is short as always with the speed my brother drives in as we quickly reach our destination. 'First class seems to be English, not good. I usually love English but not this time as my teacher Mr Dickson gives me creepy vibes.

He smells funny and always gives a weird smile when looking at me but at least I'm in the class with Alice, maybe she can finally tell me about my brothers' I think as I walk through the door of the classroom. All the students are quietly sitting at their seats making me feel awkward as their eyes turn on me. 'Late again'.

"Miss Romano" I turn my head to see Mr Dickson giving me that weird creepy smile again.

"Yes?" I ask, trying to sound polite.

"You're late again, love. If it happens again then I'm giving you detonation" He says, sounding happy about it. 'Detention with him after school? yeah... i don't think so buddy'.

"Sorry Mr Dickson, it won't happen again" I say, walking towards my seat beside Alice.

"What a creepy old man" Alice says with her arms folded, staring daggers at the teacher. 

"Morning to you yoo Alice, are you gonna tell me about my brothers today?" I ask as she looks at me with a smile and a thumbs up. As soon as class ends, Alice takes my hand and quickly drags me off towards the library.

"Ok listen girl, i'm gonna tell you everything I know about the Romano brothers so listen carefully?" Alice whispers, bringing me down with her behind a few bookshelves.

"Why are we hiding though?" I ask as she quickly puts her hand on my mouth making me shut it. 

"Quiet! you don't know if someone is listening in on us at this very moment or not" She dramatically says, making me chuckle.

"This is serious Belle. Your brothers practically own the school and nothing goes without them knowing about it" She seriously says as I feel even more intrigued.

"There's a bunch of rumors of each of the Romano brothers but the things they all have in common is that they're all the school's biggest players and bad boys. All the girls drool over them like dogs and the teachers are scared shitless" She says as I carefully listen. 'How can I even be related to them!?'.

"The twins are known for starting fights and threatening the teachers while Zane is known for sleeping with more than half the girls in school and beating everyone who even looks at him the wrong way. Then Domenic and Ezekiel-" "Wait, so they went to this school as well when they were young?" I ask, surprised that she would know about them too.

"Yes and they were even worse. Domenic was a freaking heartbreaker, making half the girls in school run home crying" She says as i gape at the thought. 'My nicest brother did that? no way!'.

"And then we have Ezekiel. He was the most feared student in history by both the students and the teachers. No one dared to even look at him and was called the king of the school" Alice explains, looking terrified herself from only talking about it.

"The guys would be lucky to even make it to the hospital after a beating from him. I also heard some nasty rumors about him in bed. They say that a girl who shares a bed with him will never be the same after and will be forever obsessed.

There's this story of this one girl he slept with who needed to sit in a wheelchair for a whole week after doing it!" She explains as I feel speechless. 'Okay I did NOT need to know that' I grimace. 'Like I wasn't scared enough before, now I'm even more terrified!' I think as I groan.

"Alice what do I do, how do I survive this mess!?" I ask, panicked.

"Easy girl, just call me whenever you like and you can stay at my place" She says with a hand on my shoulder. 

"By the way, did you know your brothers are having a huge party tomorrow? almost the whole school is coming over" She says as I raise an eyebrow.

"Party? I didn't know" I say as I get a bad feeling about it.

"Can you keep a secret?" She asks out of nowhere as I respond with a 'yes'. "My big sister's in love with Zane and confessed her love to him and he actually invited her to the party!" She happily says.

"She confessed her love to me so invited her. I'll have my go at her and then never talk to her again like the rest" Zane's voice echoes in my head as i just realize who he's talking about.

"Oh that's great" I hesitantly say, lying. I really like Alice and I'm sure her sister is just as great, that's why I need to be at the party and stop him from hurting her feelings. 

'Little did I know that it wouldn't be so easy...'

UNEXPECTANCYजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें