Chapter 13: Should've Stayed

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After walking for about 10 minutes, I see a cute little bakery making me run the last bit, excited to finally eat.

"Hello, would you like to order something?" A boy, looking to be around the twins's age, nicely asks. He has light brown curly hair with some freckles and green eyes. I'm a late bloomer when it comes to love but this boy is beautiful.

"Um yeah, but it's the first time I'm here. Do you have any recommendations?" I ask with a smile. 

"Everything here is really good but I would recommend the cupcakes overall," He says, pointing to the beautifully decorated cupcakes behind the glass.

"I'll take some" I say as I take out my trusty credit card which I always have with me. I wait by one of the tables and not even 5 minutes later the boy comes towards me with the cupcakes on a tray. 'Okey these are seriously the best tasting cupcakes I've ever eaten' I think as I taste the sweet baked goods.

"I'm so full, I wonder what the time is" I mumble to myself as I turnt to look at the clock, hanging in the bakery.

I panic as I notice that I've been here for almost half an hour. I'm such a slow eater but how did the time fly by so soon? I quickly stand up to leave as I run out from the bakery.

I run as fast as I can towards the way I came from and see the boxing club right where I left it. 'Please don't let him notice' I repit in my head as I hope that Zane hasn't noticed my disappearance. 

"...FUCKING UNBELIVIBLE" I hear a very angry Zane yell as i wish that it's not about me.

"There she is!" A random dude suddenly says as I was about to sneak into the room behind their backs. 'WHAT A SNITCH!'.

"Oh you're in so much trouble little girl" Zane says with raging anger as he fastly marches towards me making my body freeze.

'Oh no, what should I do? run? hide? stay? play dead-' My thoughts get stopped as i feel him harshly grab my arm, dragging me towards the room i was in before as the other guys stand and watch in terror.

As soon as he closes the door to the room he pushes my body into the wall, pinning me there as I feel my heart rate going crazy with fear.

Even though he's obviously angry I can feel how much he's holding back, making me hopeful that I might not die today after all. I try holding in my tears as I feel the pain in my ribs hurt from his actions.

"Tell me Isabelle, what did I tell you before leaving you here in this room?" He asks, a bit too calm.

"That i should only get out when you get me yourself" I say with a trembling voice.

"That's right, and what did you do?" He asks with the same tone but with heavy breathing from the anger.

"I didn't listen," I hesitantly said.

"You didn't listen" He repeats with disbelief and anger.

"You do realize that I'm not letting this go without punishment, do you?" He says as I gulp in fear. 'He's not gonna hit me is he?' I think to myself as I feel tears building up.

"This isn't fair, i didn't do anything wrong" I choke out with a shaking voice.

"I was just hungry and went to eat. You can't expect me to stay here for hours as you work out" I say, a bit louder.

"Don't raise your fucking voice at me. I'm the adult here and you do what I tell you to do" He says, looking down at me as I feel like my patience is running out.

"No.." I whisper, too loud for anyone to hear.

"What was that?" He asks, getting closer.

"I SAID NO!" I for the first time yelled with anger mixed with tears. He looks taken aback and surprised as I take the opportunity to continue.

"I'M NOT LISTENING TO YOU! Ever since I've arrived at the mansion you've been nothing but mean to me and treating me badly! Do you not realize I lost my whole family in front of my eyes just before coming to live with you?

And what did I ever do for you to treat me like a complete stranger when everyone else seems to at least accept that I'm their sister. YOU'RE A SELFISH ASSHOLE AND I HATE YOU!" I yell right in front of his face as I push him back.

Surprise isn't even a word that can describe his face at this point. He looks like he's processing what just happened and I'm unable to read his emotions.

'OMG! I can't believe I just did that!!" I think, panicked. Not gonna lie though, no matter what happens next.

I'm not regretting anything. I feel so much lighter after saying all that and can die without regret.

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