Chapter 4: Give Me A Break

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"You sure are a pretty little girl aren't ya?" Dougal says, breaking the silence in the car as he drives towards his house. I shrug in response not knowing how to answer his comment.

"Not much of a talker eh?" He says as I feel myself unconsciously frowning. 'Does he not know that my family just got murdered right in front of my eyes?'.

The only thing keeping me from breaking down in tears right now is that I'm simply in shock and nothing of what's happening feels like reality. How did I go from wanting to chill on my sunday with my family to them getting shot dead by those men that came out of nowhere. I snap out of my train of thought as I realize he pulled up to his house.

It looked like any other house and didn't really stand out much. He places his hand on my thigh as I stare at his hand feeling frozen in place. I slowly look up at his face, seeing something in his eyes that wasn't there before. Lust, that's what I see. I internally panic as my heart rate picks up. I know better than to show my fear, as this isn't the first time I've seen those kinds of eyes.

"Let's go in shall we" He says more like a command than a question. I knew he had a hidden meaning behind those words by the tone of his voice.

I nod in response, placing my hand over his. I feel true disgust towards this man but if i want to escape i need to play along for now and try keeping myself from not throwing up by his disgusting smell of alcohol and sweat.

He gives me a smile that looks like pure evil as he goes to open the door. He unlocks the child lock on the door as I feel grateful that my first instinct wasn't to try opening the door.

That's when I take my chance, opening the door and running as fast as I can. I feel heavy steps approaching me as I run, getting closer and closer.

I feel his hand grab me by my collar, dragging me backwards as I fall. He starts beating me right in the middle of the streets as he kicks me all over.

Just as I'm about to pass out I see a white light approaching us. Dougal quickly makes a run for it as a car drives towards us on the road.

I take my chance and painfully run to the nearest bus stop. Luckily I only wait for 8 minutes before a bus appears. I get off the bus after reaching the station and get on the train. I decided to go to my school for now. I don't know what else to do but at least I can stay safe there during the day.

It's 3 am in the morning so when I reach my school I decide to sleep on the bench outside and wake up early before anyone notices me.

A normal person would probably have called the police but last time I was in the hands of the police they sent me to live with Dougal so i can't trust them. As I lay on the bench I just realized how much my whole body actually hurts. Even so, it's not long before sleep consumes me.

"...belle? ..Isabelle?" I open my eyes to the sound of a voice. I look up to see my teacher Mrs. Green.

"Oh dear child, what has happened to your face and why are you sleeping here?" She asks with consurne.

"It's nothing really, it was only an accident, and my mom drove me here so early this morning that I decided to rest a bit" I lie through my teeth as she looks a bit more relieved. 'How did she believe that?'

"I see then, but aren't you cold? It's the end of December after all.

"I'm alright" I answer with a fake smile. I get up, heading towards the school entrance. I'm happy I didn't freeze to death while sleeping. It sure did snow a lot this year.

If I wasn't wearing my warmest hoodie right now I would be an ice cube right now. I go to the bathrooms to see myself in the mirror. My face doesn't look too bad with just some dry blood and dirt on it but my ribs and stomach look horrible.

I can just wash the blood and dirt off my face and I'll look fine but my stomach area and ribs are another story. They look pretty dark and I really hope they're not broken.

'I should probably go to class right now and hope the rest will work out'. I go to my first class as I sit there trying to focus on what the teacher is saying but with no luck.

This distraction is not going too well for me. "Ew what happened to you?" I look beside me to see Rachel whispering to me.

"An accident" I simply replied. Rachel is that typical girl in the class who always wears tons of makeup and flirts with all the boys.

She likes to make fun of me in her free time which I don't know the reason for as I always try to be nice to her.

"Cool so anyways are you done with the math homework i told you to finish 3 days ago?" She asks while chewing on her gum.

"Sorry i've been busy and even if i wasn't i'm not doing your homework anymore" I politely tell her as she looks taken aback.

'it's not really the first time i've told her so i don't really know the reason why she looks so surprised'.

"Isabelle!" I snap my head up to the teacher as he looks at me disapprovingly.

"The principal wants you in her office, I advise you don't keep her waiting" The teacher says as I hesitantly stand up looking at the other student staring at me.

"That's what you get freak" Rachel whispers passive aggressively with a smirk.

'I've never been sent to the principal's office before, I wonder what for' I think nervously. I stand outside the door of the principal office as I take a deep breath to properly prepare myself for what's to come.

The truth is that nothing could have prepared me for what I would encounter in that room. 

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