Chapter 2: Losing A Sister

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Third person POV (Continued backstory..)


"Dad?" Ezekiel asks as he approaches his father while the others are still to acupide in admiring their new sister.

"What is it son?" Salvatore asks while looking up at his eldest son with his now emotionless eyes.

"The nurse said we can go home now that Isabelle is stable and healthy enough" The eldest son said, looking straight in his fathers eyes.

"Isabelle? you named her already?" He asks with a light chuckle under his breath but obviously not feeling too happy.

"I called the driver, you guys go without me and I'll come home later when I've taken care of everything here" He said, making Ezekiel nod and make his way towards his baby sister.

"I want to carry her!" Malcolm whines, annoyed that only the oldest two get to carry the baby. 

"How do you expect to be able to carry a baby when you're a baby yourself?" Domenic asks with a chuckle making Malcolm pout.

Reaching the mansion, all the boys follow Ezekiel who carries their little angel in his arms with as much gentleness as he can muster.

Even though he's only 13, his father knows what he's capable of and doesn't need to worry about him taking his daughter home without him. The next couple of days are spent with the boys trying to take care of a newborn baby which isn't the easiest of tasks.

The twins often get scolded for not being too careful around the baby while Zane keeps wanting to hold her himself without letting anybody else do the same.

Domenic can always get his sister laughing with his silly faces he keeps making while Ezekiel always calms her down when she cries.

Just being in his arms seems to do the trick for her as she immediately quiets down and falls asleep.

Salvatore came back 2 days after the birth of Isabelle but he wasn't the same. He was colder and stricter to the boys and didn't spend as much time with his daughter as he used to do with the boys when they were babies.

This made the responsibility to take care of her fall onto her brother's shoulders, particularly Ezekiel who felt the most responsible because of him being the oldest one. One day, about 2 months after the birth of Isabelle Romano.

She was being taken care of by a nanny while the boys and their father were away training. The baby was sleeping quietly in her crib as the nanny took her in her arms and hid her in a blanket as she made her way out of there.

She told the guards that the baby was sleeping and that she was only going to go out for a smoke but left towards the airport too quickly for anybody to notice.

Hell broke loose as the Romano family noticed and rage was simply an understatement of what they were feeling.

"I'll find her, I'll do it even if it means i'll have to burn the whole world down to do it" Ezekiel said with rage, sitting in his room with his other brothers also present. The twins were sitting on his bed while Domenic and Zane were standing with clenched fists.

"Father has completely lost it, he's drinking every night and day and it's only getting worse so it's up to us to find her" Zane said while looking up from the floor.

"It's almost christmas so if we wish for her to come back, do you think santa will help us?" Isaiah asks innocently while looking up with a shimmer of hope.

"I don't think so buddy but we'll try" Domenic says, trying hard to not take away the hope from his youngest brother.

And so they tried everyday to track her down while their father only got worse with the drinking and getting even stricter and harsher on their training.

5 years later and their father finally started getting back on his feet and making changes only to get killed by a rival enemy while gone for a business trip.

Ezekiel had recently turned 18 and took over his fathers business and took custody of his siblings.

He started working even harder trying to find his sister while at the same time running the business.

To be able to handle taking care of everything, he had to become someone strong enough to control his siblings and the business which requires a strong ruthless man with a cold heart. After years of all the hard work they finally got a clue.

Isaiah, who had become a very skilled tracker, had found a news report on a 13 year old girl who survived a home invasion where the rest of her family had been killed.

What caught the boy's attention was that the girl was said to have been choked by her necklaces from the invader.

The interesting thing was that the necklace had been photographed and the report showed a picture which looked exactly like the necklace that Ezekiel bought her long ago.

The same golden wing that he had never seen anywhere else. He could of course be wrong which he knew would be very likely but after all these years he would look into just about anything for him to be able to see his baby sister again.

And so he started going deeper into the report and searching up the girl, her location and the school she goes to, just about anything.

And as he was doing all this, somewhere in the world she was living her life without a single clue. 13 years since their baby sister was taken and so much has changed over the years.

The Romano brothers are not the same as when they were little and have grown up to become more distant and cold.

The twins keep getting in trouble, finding a new girl to play with every week while Zane isn't any better. Even Domenic who used to be the kind hearted and responsible one finds himself doing things that he never thought he would.

And Ezekiel, it seems like he never stops working and his image grows even more terrifying, people shiver from the mere mention of that devil. Yes devil, that's what some call him.

Dark rumors spread around about the Romano's that they are all ruthless demons who don't think twice before pulling the trigger.

They would kill and torture for fun they said. How in the world are they gonna take in a pure kind hearted little girl is the real question here. Yes, that's going to be very interesting to see. 

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