Chapter 3: Home Invasion

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Isabelle POV (End of backstory. And I know I talked about her being in a news report but this is right before that so that you can see her perspektive in going through that home invasion)


"Belle!?" I hear my mother yell as I sigh in annoyance.

"What mom, I'm busy" I answer back while trying to read my book in peace.

"Your cousins are here so come down and entertain them" She says as I groan in annoyance. It's Sunday and I just want to spend some time alone and chill before going back to school on monday but now i have to spend my evening with my cousins.

"Samuel you gotta help me here, don't leave me alone with our cousins please" I say walking by my little brother's room.

"Fine, but you gotta play a game with me after they leave" He says as I hesitantly nod.

"Hi Laura and Liona" I say, trying to sound friendly. Laura and Liona are 5 years old and twins. I actually love kids but these two are super annoying. What a tiring evening this will be.

"Laura you can't draw on my walls"

"Please don't scratch Samuel that's not nice"

"Liona get down from there you're going to hurt yourself" And so on, i couldn't get a second's peace as they kept running around causing trouble.

After 4 long hours they finally leave as I feel like all my energy is drained. I start to walk towards my room when I suddenly hear a knock on the front door.

I freeze as I'm not used to people knocking unexpectedly on the door. For some reason I always freeze for a couple of seconds while hearing a knock, it just freaks me out knowing nothing about who's on the other side.

I get nervous for some reason but this time it's different. I feel like something is different and like there's a lump building up in my stomach. I feel shivers run through my body like something bad is about to happen.

"I'll get it" Samuel says as he approaches the door without thinking twice.

"Samuel wait-" I say but stop as he opens the door, revealing two strong looking men in black clothes and masks. I feel my breath getting stuck in my throat as my eyes widen at the sight. They both have guns in their hands and point them at my brother's head.

I snap out of my gaze as I hear a terrified scream coming from my mom who just noticed the scene. "What is it honey what's wrong-"

My father asks but stops at the horrible sight.

"If you want money then we can give you some just don't hurt my son" My father pleads with a shaking voice as the two men look at each other and start to laugh.

"Oh we know you're gonna get us the money but there's no way we're leaving before killing at least one of you" The one who looks a bit taller says.

"Please I beg you-" My mom starts but can't finish as a bullet gets shot right in her head. Her blood splashes on my skin as she falls to the ground.

I hear my father for the first time scream with everything he got as he rushes over to her.

He checks her pulls but based on his reaction she's already gone. I stare at the blood oozing out of her skull and onto the floor creating a puddle as I can't seem to take my eyes off the scene.

My father stands up, rushing towards the men with his fists clenched and ready to fight for our lives. Another shot and he's down. My brother starts bawling as I look at my now dead parents with tears running down my eyes like never before.

I want to scream but no sound comes out. My heart beats so fast that it hurts and it feels like I'm dreaming. "And that's what's gonna happen if you try anything brat" The shorter man says as he points at the dead bodys of my parents.

"P-p-please l-let h-him go" I stutter with a trembling lip.

"You mean this little brat?" The shorter one asks as he kicks my brother down at the floor while holding his foot on him to prevent him from getting up again. My brother groans in pain as his cries get louder.

"Shut the fuck up you litle shit before i shoot you like i did to your mommy and daddy" He says while kicking my brother over and over again.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I cry out as I run to block my brother with my fragile body. It seems to only piss the man off as he starts kicking me harder on my ribs and stomach as I cry out in pain.

The taller one grabs a hold of my necklaces and starts choking me as I struggle to breath.

Samuel jumps up and grabs a hold of the man choking me and tries his best to punch him with his small fists but with no luck. The man let's go only to grab his gun and shoot my little brother trying to save me.

As I hear the gunshot I look at the terrifying scene of my brother laying dead and that's when I scream the loudest that I have ever screamed in my entire life.

I feel like someone just killed a part of me but I have to get out of here right now before they kill me too.

I don't even feel motivation to survive from this anymore but remember the promise I made to my parents to always stay alive no matter what. I stand up with pain as I run like I have never before.

The men try to shoot me but something I'm very skilled at is running and so I run to the back door, opening it and running out to the dark streets.

"Come back here you little shit-" One of the men yells as I run with tears in my eyes as far away as I can. I end up knocking on a random house's door for them to call the police.

Luckily the people who lived in the house said that the police station is near and that they'll even drive me there. I trusted them because they were a middle aged couple with two toddlers and so they seemed to be harmless.

I told them my story while we drove and couldn't keep myself together as my voice kept breaking from the trauma I had been through.

As I sat waiting in the police station I saw a man walking towards me with a coffee in his hands. "Hi there little lady, I heard about your story from that lady who brought you here and i'm very sorry for your loss" The police man started.

"I know you're scared but I'm sure we're gonna find you an excellent home somewhere. I nod without looking up, feeling too exhausted and in shock to even say anything. I'm gonna take your DNA and see if I can find someone to take care of you.

Do you have any relatives that you know about?" He asks gently, looking at me with pity.

"I have a few cousins but i already know their parents aren't going to take care of me" I whisper under my breath without looking up.

"Well alright you can go sleep in one of my friends house for now before we find someone permanently to take care of you" He says, standing up to leave.

He comes back not even 5 minutes later with a fat looking guy with a mustache.

"This is Dougal, my friend that i told you about, he's gonna take care of you temporarily as i try finding you a permanent home alight?" He asks as I nod in return.

'What choice do I have' 

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