Chapter 36 Fight for myself

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Adrian yelled into the phone, "Yes, do it right away; I want him in jail."

We returned to New York yesterday night, and I had a great time there, especially with Nan. As I was unloading the baggage, I realised why Adrian's mother is so kind: she is Nan's daughter.

I put my clothing in the closet and whispered, "Whom you want behind the bars, Adrian."

Adrian gave me a sidelong glance and said, "Nothing extraordinary."

He told me "Emberly, "Well, I've engaged a trainer for you."

"Trainer," I scowled at him.

Adrian looked at his watch and said, "Yes, a trainer, he will teach you self defence, and how to fight if someone physically abuses you."

I asked, tapping my foot, "But why."

"Every girl has to learn it," he explained, "so that no one can physically assault her."

I furrowed my brows and said, "And, what makes you believe that I need it at this moment?"

Did he know anything about me, particularly about my traumatic past?

He shook his head in response to "how many inquiries you've asked in a single time."

I jumped forward and asked, "So why suddenly, so emotional stuff, like protect ourselves, and self-care, blah, blah."

"Because I understand how someone feels in pain," he said, his eyes lowering.

I asked him, "You say, what's the purpose of this, and you say I will never comprehend," but he puffed and stared at me.

He drew me into him and said, "It's okay, you don't need to go into the specifics." He kept his hand on my waist and kissed me while squeezing my butt.

He winked and left after saying, "I'll be back after my meeting."

One Month later

"Yes Emberly, that's the spirit, just like this," As I was practising the kicking technique, Grayson, my trainer, gave me advice on how to escape an attack from behind.

After I finished practising, we took a break for some beverages and sat down.

As I sipped my orange juice, Grayson said, "I must say Emberly, you're a fast learner."

I softly punched his shoulder and said, "Thank you."

Grayson replied, and I grinned at him, "I've never believed that my best buddy will fall in love, but after meeting you, no wonder, since you are a really wonderful person from your heart."

He and Adrian were childhood best friends. Grayson owns a chain of gyms, and his team of trainers trains all the popular celebrities. In addition, he teaches girls self-defense, and his team has organised numerous seminars in highly regarded colleges and schools for girls to enable them to learn self-defense.

"How is your training going, Emberly?" Skylar came into the backyard.

I gave her a short embrace and said, "Amazing," grinning.

She offers Grayson a high five and says, "Hey buddy."

She scowled as Grayson responded, "Hey, Grandma."

She screamed, "I'm not Grandma!"

He remarked, wriggling his eyebrows, "But you're."

He laughed as she repeated, "No, I'm not," with her eyes still narrowed on him.

She glanced, and he squeezed her nose, saying, "You and that Brother of mine, what you both get by taunting me."

Because you're our adorable little sister," he continued, drawing a grin from her.

The music on my phone's ringer, though, made me wince.

I just answered the phone and said, "Who's there?"

I hear him say, "You whore," and I immediately freeze.

How dare my uncle thsi Bastard still have guts to call.

"You're an asshole for calling me,"  I snarled, and there was a brief period of stillness from the other side that suggested he was shocked.

"Oh, where did you find the nerve to reply to me," he snapped.

I yelled, "This is nothing, except I know how badly I want to murder you fucker," as my chest began to rise and fall. Grayson swiftly grabbed the phone from me and put it on speaker, while Skylar encircled me in an effort to calm me down.

He yelled at me, "Oh, so you think you're so-called confidence, can win, you're that bastard husband ruins my life if you believe this much in yourself now, then why you're taking your husband help, come and face be by yourself, or you're too coward weak and fool like your whore mother and Bastard father of yours," and I clenched into fists. I won't let him die now, man; if

I snarled at him, "You bastard, don't ever dare to speak a word about my parents, I'm coming, and trust me, this will be your final day of life."

"Emberly you will not go alone, I will also come with you," she says before I can go. Grayson comes up to me rapidly.

I scowled, "No you don't need to, I can cope alone."

Grayson stood in front of me and said, "No, I can't leave you alone, especially without Adrian here."

"But..." Before I could finish, Skylar interrupted.

She grabbed out her phone and said, "He's right, Em you're not going alone, there, let me call Adrian."

I instantly pulled the phone away from Skylar and said, "Skylar, no."

I screamed, "You won't contact him; I don't need his help; I can save myself, on my own."

I won't allow you go there alone, sorry but no thanks. If you think you're going alone there, you're terribly mistaken. Skylar nodded as Grayson stated to me,

I groaned, scrunching up my face, releasing it, trying to relax myself, "You don't understand,"

"No means No," he declared.

I said, "Fine," and I left as he followed.

This time, I'm not going to give up because that man tormented me to the point where it traumatised me and bruised my soul. Now, he must pay for his misdeeds in full.

So, how's this chapter, my beautiful readers, finally Emberly be able to have the spirit to fight back for herself, next chapter is going to be Adrian's Pov.

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