Chapter 2 Running away from him

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As I peered into the mirror, I observed my outfit consisting of a slightly faded pair of blue jeans, a light pink shirt, and a denim jacket - topped off with a classic white pout. While I love that Deliah has always been kind enough to share her wardrobe, I can't help but feel like I never have anything new to wear. In any case, I embraced my natural curly locks, letting my long, black tresses flow freely.Feeling determined, I set out from the motel, phone in hand, eager to locate the cafe where I'd heard of a job opportunity. A quick search on Google Maps and I was off to catch the subway. Time was of the essence, and I couldn't wait to find employment.Before long, the train arrived at my destination and, with a sense of excitement, I headed in the direction of the cafe.As soon as I twisted the knob and pushed the glass door, a wave of heavenly aroma hit me. Coffee and cookies - my favorite combination! It immediately made my stomach grumble with hunger. I realized I hadn't eaten anything since that packet of chips and cold drink at the LA airport. Taking a deep breath, I surveyed my surroundings. Soft pastel colors adorned the walls with delicate floral patterns. The peaceful background music, comfortable chairs, and inviting atmosphere made me want to stay here forever. I couldn't remember feeling this positive since I was a kid.

Grinning, I decided to ask the manager if they had any job openings. Scanning the room, I spied a guy who looked around my age with blonde hair. He was cheerfully bustling about, bringing customers their orders, wearing a sunny yellow shirt and denim jeans, and an apron to top it off. I couldn't help but feel instant camaraderie with him.

With a flurry of excitement, I bounded up to him like a puppy eagerly wagging its tail. His sunny smile beamed down at me as he welcomed me. "Well hello there, gorgeous. What brings you to our humble abode?" he greeted me with charm that could charm the socks off a snake.I introduced myself with a graceful hair-toss, making sure to show off my elegantly styled locks. "Emberly Swan. I'm here for the waitress job, as advertised!" I gave him my most dazzling smile, hoping to win him over."Ah, yes! The vacancy! Five minutes, please. I'm working on these orders for a group of voracious customers. They've been gnawing on their napkins since New Year's," he chuckled, throwing me a sheepish grin.I offered to help, hoping to prove my worth. "Can I assist you with anything, Eric?"He brushed off my offer with a dismissive shake of his head. "No need, my dear. Just have a seat over there and let me sort out these orders. In a jiffy, I'll show you to our owner," he said, gesturing towards a nearby table.We exchanged introductions, and he grinned at me cheekily. "By the way, the name's Eric. And what's yours?"

"Just as I said earlier, darling. Emberly Swan." I said smiling at him. 

He playfully scolded me with a smile. "Oh, sorry about that. Must have slipped my mind. I was too lost in your eyes." As I bounced excitedly on my toes, he stopped me with a tray he ceremoniously carried over. "Wait a minute, Emberly. Here's something to keep you company while you wait." He handed me a tray filled with cookies, and a warm cup of latte. "You can thank me later!" he said with a wink."Take a break and savor the sensational taste of these cookies. I'll be gone for just five minutes," he remarks as I roll my eyes and fidget with my nails."It's not necessary, I can manage," I protest, but he's persistent and won't hear any of it.I begrudgingly resign and admit, "Okay, I'm grateful for his kindness, and my stomach could use something to munch on."I plop down at the corner table with a tray full of delectable treats. Mmm, I can practically taste the sweetness already. Finally, after a few impatient minutes, he strolls back in.He beams at me with a suspicious glint in his eye. Something is off, but I can't quite put my finger on it."Shall we go?" he inquires, and I hop up, eager to get moving.We enter the kitchen where I'm introduced to a slightly bewildered-looking older lady.

"Mrs. Glide, meet Emberly Swan, the newest addition to your serving squad," Eric announces, and she looks at me perplexed. 

"Hey there, cutie-pie," she chirped, tossing her apron aside and sauntering over to greet me.Grinning back at her, I quipped, "Well, hey there, boss lady."But she quickly cut in with a laugh, "Oh, please, call me Bernice. I'm not that old!"Nodding eagerly, I replied, "Got it, Bernice it is.""So, you're here for the waitress job, huh?" she prodded, looking me up and down."Yup, first timer," I admitted, shrugging."Well, that's okay," she assured me. "As long as you're willing to learn."I nodded, adding, "Yeah, I had to leave sunny old L.A. for some personal reasons. Now I'm all the way out here in the Big Apple.""Ah-ha," she murmured, nodding in understanding. "Well, welcome to the concrete jungle, honey."And then, with a grin that could light up Times Square, she exclaimed, "You start tomorrow, sweetie. Get ready to rock those aprons!"And with that, I knew my expenses were about to meet their match. Bring it on, Bernice!"Wowza, ma'am, you're too kind!" I exclaimed, with a cheeky eyebrow raise and a grin."Don't Ma'am me, honey, it's Bernice for you!" she replied kindly, patting my shoulder.I nodded eagerly, grinning ear to ear. Despite the tough times I've been through, this job is a precious gem to me.After hashing out my responsibilities, I'm ready to exit stage left and prepare for my new gig at the café. But just as I'm about to leave, a voice calls out to me."Emberlyyy," Eric calls out, racing towards me.I swivel around to face him."Yup, what's shakin'?" I say, curious."Uhhh," he stammers and fidgets with his collar, "Would to...maybe...have drink with me?"I suppress a giggle at his adorable awkwardness. "Sure thing, Eric. Let's do coffee!"As I flashed him a charming smile, I remarked, "Sure thing, but don't you have some work to do around here?" To my relief, he replied, "Nah, not much going on today, and my shift is almost over. How about I drop you off at your home?" The mention of my "home" made my face drop faster than a lead balloon. Honestly, I have no idea what that even means to me anymore. He must have noticed my distress because he asked, "What's up?"Weak smile plastered on my face, I replied, "Well, I don't really have a home. Just shacking up in a motel at the moment. Came here from LA yesterday." My chest was tightening up, as it usually does when I talk about my living arrangements. And what did he say, you ask? "Well, if you're open to it, I could find you a place to crash."

Honestly, I was tempted, but I didn't want to seem like a mooch. So I politely declined, saying I'd manage on my own. No favors necessary, thank you very much.

After saying goodbye to him at the cafe, my mind couldn't help but wander to both the good and the challenging moments of my past, as well as the upcoming challenges I knew I would face. Although I was relieved to leave that place behind me, I knew I needed to focus on my waitress job so that I could afford a place to rent.As I walked, lost in thought, my foot caught on something and I stumbled onto the pavement, the pain rushing through my body. I looked up and realized the cause of my fall was a new Mercedes-Benz parked on the curb.In that moment, with memories from my difficult past still weighing heavily on me, I couldn't help but feel like the whole world was against me. From my troublesome upbringing to my present-day struggles, everything seemed to hurt me.

I took a deep breath and tried to pull myself together, still feeling the pain from my fall. 

As I gazed at the luxurious vehicle, I couldn't resist giving it a hiss and a swift kick to the front end. But my triumph was short-lived when I realized my legs were throbbing with pain. "Ah, never mind", I murmured, trying to reason with the unattainable car.I looked around nervously, trying to shake off the unease that had taken root in me. And then, like a beacon of hope, I spotted a public trash can. Without missing a beat, I grabbed it and marched towards the fancy car, dumping the whole contents on it with a satisfied grin.As I basked in the glow of my victorious rebellion, my heart almost stopped when I heard a deep, husky voice behind me. "What the hell..." I thought, my adrenaline going into overdrive as I realized that this could only be the owner of the car.I swallowed, feeling like I was breathing through a straw.Gulping down my nerves, I closed my eyes and started to count. One...two... Okay, let's just count down to three and hope for the best. After three, I'll kick it into high gear because the owner of this car is hot on my heels.As I counted, footsteps drew closer, but I was determined to keep my cool. Finally, I hit three and took off like a bat out of hell. Legs flying, heart pounding, I ran for my life. I had no idea where I was headed, but I figured anywhere was better than getting caught by the car's owner.

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I have a question for all my sweet readers, who might be that person

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