Lexie and Alice

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I asked around and it seemed like everyone knew about this house and the girls living inside it. It wasn't hard getting directions and in less than 10 minutes i was standing in front of a building with brick walls and a brown door. It was not that big of a house but from what i heard the whole 2 floors were their's. I was in a yellow sundress, looking at the house but i couldn't decide if i should go in or not.

I didn't even know why i was here in the first place. According to others i was the only one who got invited tonight. Part of me wanted to just turn around and run away and another part of me... well another part of me wore a yellow dress and heels and spent thirty minutes choosing which lipstick to wear and then earased it because it looked too femme. The same part wanted to explore the mystery behind these doors and the other was afraid of opening the door and realising that it was a prank all along.

A picture of a classroom door flashed in front of my eyes; a memory that I have not thought about in so long...

"Do you need a few more minutes or should we go inside?" I jumped as I heard a woman ask me. I turned around and saw a girl in a black shirt and jeans with short green hair that had the exact same color or her playful eyes standing a few inches away. I looked at her and then the Baseball cap in her hand.

" do you live here?" I asked hesitantly. She seemed to find my question very amusing and smirked.

"One of the founding members, actually" she stepped closer but didn't come too close to make me uncomfortable. It was dark outside but the warm light coming from the house's windows on her face made her features look even more beautiful.

"OK, let's make a deal ! We go in, and if anybody tried to bite you I will throw myself in front of them so you can run!"

Something about the way she talked and looked in my eyes that made her really easy to talk to. before I could stop myself I whispered:

"What if you're the one who bites me?"

" not without your permission"

She whispered back with a hint of teasing in her voice that made me blush. I cleared my voice and looked away.

" right. So... let's go in."


We stood in front of the door and she pushed the bell.

" that sundress looks good on you. I should have dressed up too." She said as we waited for someone to open the door. I could hear some voices from inside but couldn't understand what they were saying.

" you guys sent me a calligraphed invitation in a golden pocket that smelled like some kind of flower, my first instinct was to come in a ballgown."

She chuckled at that but before she could answer me the door flung open and a short chubby girl with purple long hair and soft eyes stood in front of us.

" hey! Come on in!"

I shook my head and whispered a quiet hello as I walked in the house. It looked so cozy and warm; the incide had brick walls too and the furniture were colourful and a lot of beautiful art pieces were on the walls.

" you are late!"

The cute girl whispered to the other girl behind me and then turned to me again.

" I'm Alice! Nice to meet you!" She shook my hand and rolled her eyes as the green haired girl hugged her from behind and put her chin on Alice's head.

" and I'm lexie."

" nice to meet you" I said but then a horrifying realisation dawned on me.

" wait, how long were you watching me stand infront of the house?"

Lexie laughed and looked at her watch. Alice used the opportunity to walk away from her hold and close the door behind us.

I was walking down the hall, mentally preparing myself to put up with people's shit in high-school for another day. The hallway was unusually empty. When i got to the classroom door, I saw one of the boys standing there and as soon as he saw me he ran inside to tell the others. The door was closed behind him. I looked at it for a second knowing nothing good was waiting for me on the other side and finally reached to open it...

" I'd say about... 20 minutes" Lexie casually replied. I felt my cheeks grow red again from embarrassment.

" I made you wait for so long!"

" well, you obviously have never waited for nadia to get dressed! "

Alice let out a giggle and they took me to the living room where apparently the other girls were waiting.

How to spot a lesbianDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora