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Another chapter who could Supafo be that's a big question isn't? This chapter is all about Supafo and Joker. Also more holding hands fanart by your majesty: ME!

Edit: I decided to add a bit more or else it was gonna stay on 250 words lol.
Another Edit: I just realized that is the wrong picture; There's a small colour error. You guys probs couldn't even see it but i corrected it.


'Supafo' pov *flashback*

"HI! I'm Hace Curato" I said to the shy boy.

"H-h-hello m-my n-name i-is J-J-Joker." Joker said.

"Nice to meet you! Joker!" I said thinking.

'That can't be his real name can it?'

And that's how i met Joker

*flashback end*

We did a lot together, sleepovers, playground, at school, but i never knew Joker's real name.

*flashback 4 years ago* Hace pov

"Hey Joker?" 9 year old Hace asked.

"Y-yes?" He answered still a bit shy.

"What's your real name, did something happen to make you scared to use it? Is that why you're so shy?" I asked.

"Whoa, whoa, one question at a time first of all my REAL name is Joker and no nothing happened to me." he answered.

I knew he was lying, i always knew for some reason, i always knew everything for some reason. I'm perfect in everything for some reason.

*Flashback end*

Yes i was perfect in everything, i hope i was lying but no straight A's in everything and everything. It was kind of scary. To this day. But there was something i couldn't do.....


Countless times i gave up and sometimes even thought that 'Joker' was his real name but i just knew it wasn't and it was frustrating.

but then.....................


It was gonna end here but..... here's a random date drabble i made.

3rd person pov

James and Lucas were gonna go on they're first date. Nothing can go wrong right......?

"So where are we going?" Lucas asked.

"Just wait and see....." James said.

Oh should i also mention James in crossdressing as a woman....... no? Sorry.

Anyways.... They finally arrived at the place.

"A RESTAURANT?!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Yes, please be more quiet people are staring." James said.

Slowly they walked in the restaurant.

"Welcome to this restaurant, take a seat." The waiter said.

"Thank you." James said with a high voice.

"You're welcome." The waiter said.

After they ordered they're food they were waiting till they're food came.

"This takes so long." Lucas said.

"Yeah and so?" James asked "We can kiss now." James said.

"Good idea." Lucas said.

They're faces coming closer to each other they soon were locked in a heated kiss tongue battling for dominance.

"Uhmmmm miss......?" The waiter stood there staring at the 2.

"Oh uhmmm....." They said, well this akward.

"Here's your food...." The waiter said quickly walking away.

"Uhmmm. One good thing about this is that our food is here right Lucas?" James said.

"Yeah." Lucas answered slowly eating his food.

Soon they were already going to they're own home.

*End of the date*



Chapter 6 is also done and we are on: 520 words!!!!!!!

More than double it was going to be if i just stayed with Hace.

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