I"ll be back

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edited September 9/26/2021

After they got all there stuff backed they headed off on the mission they were given by Tsunade.

"Do we know were she was last" questioned Tenten

"No the only thing we know is that she sent this letter to Tsunade four days ago" Neji told them

"Then where could she be" Sakura mumbled

"Not sure but we're not stopping until we find her" Lee exclaimed

They all nodded at his words, they decided before they left that they wouldn't spilt up just in case something happens.

Y/n's pov

I didn't really have anything to do today so I just walked around the hideout, I some how ended up at the training room so I decided why not train. I would give me something to do other then walk around pointlessly.

I grabbed four Kunai's and closed my eyes, I jumped up and did a backflip and threw them when I was still in mid air. When I landed on the ground I open my eyes and saw that the four kunais had hit dead center.

3rd pov

"We've looked everywhere and we can't find her" Sakura groaned

"Trouble some women" Shikamaru muttered

"No one asked you!" Sakura yelled

"Okay clam down" Kiba said

They calmed down and went down to the ground and sat down and looked at a map.

"Let's see we just got done looking there and there's no sign of her" Tenten said

"So we've r-really h-have a-almost looked
e-e-everywhere" Hinata stuttered out

They all looked at the map pointing and marking places they've already looked for Y/n. They were unaware of the figure hiding in the shadows.

"You haven't look everywhere" the voice spoke

The group stood up and got in a defensive stance, they watch the figure come out of the shadows revealing Sasuke.

"What are you doing here" Naruto yelled

"Relax I'm not here to attack you guys will this time anyways" Sasuke said

They relaxed there stances but still on guard

"I know were Y/n is" He said bluntly

"Where is she" Kiba asked

"Orochimaru's hide out I found her unconscious in the forest and brought her there" He said with a stoic voice

"And you thought that was a good idea" Naruto yelled

Sasuke ignored the blonde

"Bring us to her" Tenten demanded 

"I will but before we leave Orochimaru inject her with something that's blocking her memory so he was able to say that they were married" Sasuke told them turning away

"WHAT!" Naruto yelled

" WOULD YOU SHUT YOUR MOUHT" Sakura screamed as she punched his head

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