Why can't I remember

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I groaned, I sat up a sudden wave of pain shot threw me. I looked down and saw bandages warped around my stomach.

"What the hell how did I get that" I mumbled

I tried to think back to how I would of got it but my mind just drew a blank, in fact I was having a hard time remembering a lot of thing.

I was brought out of my thoughts to my door opening, a man with sliver hair,glasses and some what fair skin. The other man had white skin,black hair and a weird outfit.

"Um who are you" I asked

"Do you remember anything" the guy with silver hair asked


The guy with black hair smirked

"I'm Kabuto Yakushi" he introduced

"And I'm Orochimaru your husband"

"I have a husband but I'm only 16" I said

He chuckled

"True but I am indeed your husband I mean look at your ring" he said as he pointed to my left hand

I took my eyes off them and looked at my left hand and saw a gold ring with a diamond then just a gold ring. So the one with the diamond is the engagement ring while the other is the wedding ring? I'm really confused right now I mean I'm only sixteen how can I already be married.

"What happened" I asked as I pointed to my stomach

"Oh I sent you out on a mission and the person was able to stab you and it looks like you got a concussion" Orochimaru said

I nodded

I still don't really understand on what's going on but they really don't have a reason to lie to me right?

"Anyways you must be tried my dear how about you rest" My husband said


They soon left the room

I laid down and closed my eyes drifting off to sleep.

I woke up maybe 15 minutes ago, I was bored so I looked around the room. I looked at the clothes and saw that I had a few revealing outfits.

"How could I wear something like that" I mumbled

I also saw that I had some normal outfits and comfy clothes. After I was done looking at my clothes I went back to the bed and made it, I decided I would clean this room a little since I have nothing better to do.

As I was cleaning I heard the door open, I looked over my shoulder and saw Orochimaru.

"Oh your up"

"Yah I woke up around a half hour ago" I told him

"I see your cleaning" he point out

"Duh what did you think I was dusting" I sass back

He chuckled

"Your attitude has not changed one but has it" he asked

"If I remember correctly I don't like so"

He walked over to me and warped his arms around my waist.

"What are you doing?" I questioned him

"What can't I give my wife a hug" he asked

"Yah but I'm sure you have better things to do" I told him

"I do but I decided to come see you"

"I feel special but seriously go back to what you were doing" I some what demanded

"Ok I'm leaving now" he said as he kissed my forehead

He then let me go and walked out of the room, after he left I went back to cleaning since I was only halfway done.

It's been almost a week since I woke up, I can remember bits and pieces but I can't really remember what lead up to me having a wound on my stomach. I mean it's completely healed now, but I would like to now what caused it.

Over the last week I've cleaned the hideout,trained and got more clothes for myself since I didn't really like the ones I had. I haven't really seen Orochimaru around a lot, he does come visit me once in a while but after a little I tell him to go back to what he was doing.

I still find it weird though I mean the fact I can't remember me being married to him.

3rd pov
Mean while in the village Tsunade called a meeting with all the teams.

"Why did you call this meeting" Sakura questioned

"Right well I'll get straight to the point Y/n still hasn't come back from her mission" Tsunade told them

"But her mission could just be talking longer then expected" Naruto told her

"I would agree with you but I received a note a week ago that she completed her mission but she was injured and that it would take a little long to get home"

"So what your getting at is you think she's been kidnapped" Neji says bluntly

"Yes I do"

"Have you received any other word from her" Tenten asked

"No I haven't which is why I'm getting worried she should of been back four days ago" Tsunade told them

"We have to find her Y/n could be in danger" Naruto shouted

"Will you stop yelling" Sakura yelled at Naruto as she punched him on the head

"You tell him not to shout but then you shout" Shikamaru lazily said

This then lead to bickering from all of them, a irk mark appeared on Tsunade forehead.

"Enough stop fight like little kids" Tsunade shouted slamming her hands on her desk

They all stop talking

"Good now I'm sending you all on a mission to look for Y/n I don't care how you do it just find her" Tsunade demanded

"Ok course Lady Tsunade" they all said

With that she dismissed them, they left her office and headed towards there homes to get packed.

"Dammit were are you Y/n" Tsunade mumbled

Tsunade only hoped she was safe because if
Y/n wasn't and was in the hands of someone bad then it wouldn't end well for anyone. With the power that Y/n holds alone is immense then adding the ten tails charka to that, makes her an even bigger threat if she were to go rouge.

Tsunade stood up and walked over to the window looking out over the village.

"I'm sorry Hannah that I wasn't able to protect Y/n like you told me to" Tsunade mumbled

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