Chūnin exams part 2

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By the time I got to the forest of death it was around 5:30 am, my team was there before which really didn't surprise me that much they are always on time when ever Kakashi asks use to meet some were even though he wouldn't be there for maybe about 2 hours later

A lot of other teams were there as well we had a hour left before the next exams start

"Good Morning" I greeted them

"Good Morning Y/n" They all said

They went back to what they were talking about I listen to some but I ended up zoning out my mind keeps going back to what me and Grandpa talked about yesterday in he office


I just got back from the first exam and I'm making my why to grandpas office to tell him about the three girls who said they were from my clan and also to tell him about Rose who said she was the daughter of the head family

Just thinking about it know get my blood boiling with anger

I finally got to grandpas office I knocked three time I waited until I heard him say come in

when I opened the door I saw that Ibiki and Anko were in his office

"Oh I didn't know you had a meeting I can come back" I told him

"Its fine they were just filling me in on what happened today at the exams" Grandpa responded

"Okay" Was all I could say I went over to the window and jumped onto the roof and wait until they were done talking which took about 15 to 25 miuntes not that I cared becuase I got to see the sunset which I have always loved

When I was younger my parents would always take me to the beach or park to see the sunset on the weekends or when ever they had free time so now whenever I watch the sunset it brings back all of those happy memories

I miss my mom and dad a lot when my parents and my clan were killed I made a promise that I would live for them and become the person they wanted me to be which was someone who was kind, caring, loving, and also brave but I also promised that I would live my life to the fullest

After they were killed I never showed my emotions ever I saw it as a sign of weakness I only show them to people I trust like my team and Grandpa and Konohamaru and my best friend Hinata

My train of thought was broken when I heard my name being called so I got up and went back inside Grandpas office

"So what did you want to talk about?" He asked

"Will it has to do with todays exams" I told him 

"Okay what about them?" He asked confused

"Will today this three girls came and said that they were from the L/n clan which there not and then they went on to tell everyone that they were the only ones who survived the massacre " I told him

"What are there names" He asked

"Rose, Hope and Lucy" I told him

"Is that it?" He asked

"No Rose also said that she was the daughter of the head family" I told him as the anger started to build up inside me once again

"Okay thanks for telling me Y/n I will look into it" He said


And with that I left he office and went to cook dinner

~ End Of Flashback ~

The hour had gone back pretty fast

Everyone was now gathered in a group listening to Anko talk about the rules of this exam

What lies in the truth  (Naruto Various x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt