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-Five days later-

"Thank you so much Miss Coraline." You smiled at the blonde, using the respected name she asked you to use. You had nearly 500 dollars in your pocket and hadn't eaten in the past two days, but that didn't matter.

"I'll see you tomorrow dear." She smiled while closing the cash box.

"Actually.. I might not be able to come back for a while, my... mom is in the hospital and I need to be with her for a little." You lied on the spot with a fake saddened smile. She frowned.

"Oh that's horrible! Wish her my best regards." She said, her southern accent booming as she collected her things.
"Well then goodbye for now Amelia." She smiled. You nodded with a mouth closed smile before following her out of the store.

"Thank miss, I will." You smiled widely with a wave before walking quickly down the streets. You didn't even look back to see her wave towards you.

You walked through the streets, it was barely sunset, so the streets still shined as people bustled their way to make it home for supper.

You took your time once you were out of sight from Caroline. Walking freely as you slowly ventured to the run down house you were staying at.

You sighed contently as you reached the hill that Leah to the crumbling foundation. This would the last time you would have to see this piece of junk.

You smiled while walking into the open space, still having perfect view of the now setting sun as you packed up your backpack with everything you needed, sliding on comfortable clothes before you made it or the train station, were you planned to take the closest ride you could get. Not engaged to spend anymore time in the depths of New York for much longer.

You slid on the backpack, situating it slightly while taking the convertible knife and putting it in the hidden holster strapped around your ankle.

That weapon would be a lifesaver once you were living on your own.

You quickly pulled your greasy hair from its braid and pushed it into a bun, showing the white strands that weren't fully died to stick out in the front and frame your face nicely.

You smiled while looking in the camera of your cracked screen, smiling at the natural looking hair and hidden scars. You felt like someone knew. Not some outcast hidden with insecurities. Although nobody would care except you.

You fidgeted with the sleeves on the thick hoodie you had on, looking through your phone briefly, noticing the group chat in your phone that you hadn't used in days.

They must had forgotten all about their oddball during their struggle to Lacey you. You scoffed at the latest messages, rolling your eyes at Tony's snarky remark and Natasha care for you. Phony biatches.

You slip the device into you pant pocket and walked back into the grassy field, staring at the orange and pink sky, slowly being eaten away with swirls of purple and deep blue, even closer to being corrupted by the blackness that would soon overcome.


"Come on Nat." Wanda pulled the redhead who was walking slowly. They were both dressed in all black, showing their respect for the outdoor ceremony. There weren't that many people, Antonio, some kids from her school included Peter, and a couple randoms. Her family wasn't even there. They hadn't bothered to show up.

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