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The sun had finally risen, it was now almost seven and to say you were were a little hungry was an understatement, due to the ins and outs of this stupid buildings medical center you hadn't eaten very much, which you were used too, but we're still hungry.

You trudged to the quiet hall as being the only person on your floor. You had one of your hoodies on but were somehow still cold as your bare feet came in contact with the hard tiles.

"Good morning Elvira, would you like me to notify the others that you've awaken?" FRIDAY questioned as you yanked largely.

"Buna dimineața, Nu, nu prea conteazã. (Good morning, no it doesn't really matter)" you murmured, not having the energy to talk English to an automated intelligence system.

"Așa să fie. (So be it)" FRIDAY responded in your native language.

You made it to the elevator as your body moved stiffly, straightening out your slightly tangled locks. You selected the floor that you knew had the most commonly used kitchen, it was right above their sleeping quarters.

The door opened and you saw most of the people already up, they sure did get up early.

Thor was at the counter, eating what seemed to be an entire box of pop tarts, while Wanda was cooking what smelled like chocolate chip pancakes and the intoxicating smell of sausage.

You passed a small lounge area that faced the kitchen, a half asleep Clint, a wide awake Steve, along with Natasha, Tony, and Spider-Man, in his full suit. The others must've stayed at their individual homes or were still asleep.

"Hey Peter." I muttered while flopping on the chair next to his. His head shot up and he looked at me.

"P- Peter? Who's- who's Peter?" He laughed unconvincingly, he was a horrible liar. Tony rolled his eyes and looked at me.

"How do you know he's Peter?" He questioned. I looked at him and laughed quietly.

"Seriously? I have no friends, nothing to do at school. I see things. He sounds and acts like Peter, has the same body type, and one time I was on my midnight stroll and he was walking with his mask off. You need to work on your secrecy skills." I yawned while sitting back more. He was staying very still. Tony was just staring between us.
"Plus! He has an 'internship' here, which was kinda just the cherry on top." I put bunny fingers around internship and shrugged with a slight smirk.

"Breakfast is ready!" Wanda said. We all walked to the large dining table that was set with pancakes and sausage and eggs. There was coffee and orange juice and it was quite fancy.

Peters entire suit came off in defeat and I watched as the contraction folded away like magic. We all sat around the table and began to eat.

"Hey! How come his suit does that and mine doesn't?" Steve said, mouth full of food, slightly upset. I giggled and looked between the many people here.

"Because you, capsicle, would not be able to figure out the technology." Tony remarked, Steve huffed had just went back to reading the probably boring magazine in front of him. My gazing stopped. I was left staring directly at Steve.

"Capsicle." I whispered, inaudible for the others around me.

I've heard that somewhere else havent I?

"I'm going to the bathroom." I heard pater say from the side of me.

Don't ever compare me to capsicle again 🤢

How would two random people have the same nickname? Unless they aren't random people. I looked up. Seeing the personalities of ones match up with their texting style, and the names I had chosen for them. I quickly pulled out my phone and went to the group chat.

Sorry, Wrong Number Kid (Avengers)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang