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"Hey, what are you doing?" Tony questioned while crossing his arms, seeing you standing in the elevator with the two troublemakers of the squad, Natasha and Clint.
Both the older people have tony a guilt smile, while you just gave him a confident glare.

"We were just going for a stroll." Clint said while rubbing his neck sheepishly.

"Well good thing I ran into you. I was just coming down." He smiled as you all exited the elevator.
"We are having an interrogation meeting. All of us." He added as the three of you followed him down the hall. You sighed silently, ready for the next grueling hour or more.

You felt a light touch on your shoulder and jumping slightly, turning around to see it was just Natasha trying to comfort you.

"Sorry." You let out a deep breath. She smiled to show she understood. You just nodded and kept walking, playing with the hem of your hoodie.


"Greetings." Nick said as everyone filed into the room. You were sitting on a chair at the far end, only a chain on your foot, while the entirety of the eight avengers plus their director sat opposed to you. You felt slightly entrapped with all their eyes on you.

"I'm just gonna say something.." you spoke up.
"I know you all know my name, don't play dumb with me, and I know you saw my body, there's not a single room without cameras in this building and you are known for eves dropping... but I don't care what you saw, you are not to treat me any differently." You spoke immediately getting to the chase, looking directly into the eyes of those who looked most vulnerable.

"Glad we are on the same page Elvira." Nick smiled lightly. You nodded and leant back slightly, crossing your arms.

"Hit me." You stated.

"Who do you work for." Nick cut straight to it.

"Myself." You replied quickly, your voice not wavering, what could you say, you had a good poker face.

"Is she lying?" Nick also questioned.

"No sire." FRIDAY replied. He nodded with a small smile.

"So your not working against us."

"Not unless I have to." Your face stayed the same, your voice still monotone.

"What is your full name Doll." Bucky randomly questioned. You flinched are the nickname given and say a little straighter.

"Elvira Teodora Mitrea. The one who protects everybody, gift of god, and basically a common Romanian headdress." You translated. Natasha nodded and Nick continued to write.

"Gift of god..." Thor wondered.
"Which god would that be?" He questioned with a cocky smirk.

"There's only one god." Steve interrupted. Every one gave him a look. Tony just rolled his eyes and looked back to you.

"Why did you put us to so much trouble if you weren't the enemy." Tony questioned, looking you dead in the eye.

"I don't know stark... what would you do at 15 if a bunch of super-humans were tracking you down? Might as well have some fun with it." You shrugged with a tedious smirk. You saw the look of anger yet approval from Fury.

"Fair point." Clint laughed. You saw a small slap come from the hands of Natasha.

"Is that really all the questions you had? All this work for three damn questions??" You said after moments of silence.

"You did all that to your body?" Bruce immediately questioned after you spoke out. You closed your eyes tightly and inhaled sharply.

"Depends what your talking about." You said, repeating the line you used prior on Clint.

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