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I focus on making the cake batter even in the pan. I have the tendency to put too much or too little, then have uneven cake layers.

I put the cake into the oven and set the timer. There's a loud crash behind me.

I turn around to see Randy, our newest employee in training, sitting on the floor with a cake all over him. My mouth hangs open.

"Is that-" I say as I recognize the blue and pink designs mixed together.

"Yes," he answers before I can ask.

"You're telling me," I point my finger at him, "that you dropped Mrs. Holmes', our biggest client's, cake? The cake we've spent three weeks planning and making for her?"

He nods slowly. I take a deep breath. "Do you understand all the work that we did on that cake? Do you understand how many ideas she shot down before we got to that one? I spent four damn hours making those blue and pink flowers, Randy."

"I know, and I'm sorry. We can remake it. I'll stay-"

"Her daughter's baby shower is tomorrow. We're going to have to tell her we dropped that cake."

I go to grab the phone. "Clean it up."

I sigh. That cake costs more than my rent. Mrs. Holmes is the mayor's wife. She buys our baked goods from the bakery for almost all her big events, which encourages her friends to come buy our treats. This will not turn out good.

I sigh after the phone call.

"What's the verdict?" Ms. Marcy, my elderly boss, asks.

"She wants something made. She told me to surprise her in the morning."

"What does that mean?" Her forehead wrinkles in thought.

"I'm not sure. I was thinking we could make cupcakes, since those are easy.

"Mrs. Holmes is not going to want cupcakes, y/n."

I sigh again. I knew she wouldn't want cupcakes. "We'll make little cakes then. Hopefully, they'll be set by noon when she picks them up. I have to go for my other job, but if we can get those cakes baked tonight, then I'll come in early to ice them."

I get the cake I was baking earlier out of the oven, so it'll be ready to ice in the morning. Hopefully I'll be able to get to it in the morning.

I untie my apron and hang it up on my hook.

"I'm heading out for the day, Marcy!" I call behind my shoulder.

"Okay, bye sweetie!" Ms. Marcy says as I walk out the door.

I don't live very far, so I can walk home from work. I try to relax now, but I'm already thinking of what I have to do about the cake. I need to hurry because I'm supposed to be on Sapnap's stream at eight.

Working two jobs is not easy. I get stressed out, like I am right now. It's worth it in the end though. I love streaming and I love baking. It works out in my favor.

I pull the big red door that goes to my apartment building open. I forgot to get my mail before I left this morning, so I figured I could stop by the mailroom now.

I walk through the door. I feel the fan in the corner hit me as soon as I walk in. A man stands right where my box is. I stand awkwardly to the side as he finishes up. 

He's tall. A lot taller than me. He has dirty blonde hair. I can't completely see his face with the angle I'm standing at. I also try to not make it obvious that I'm staring at him.

the streamer next door | dreamwastaken x reader fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن