Chapter 50 || Hazel

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Hazel watched as her cousin got up, his sea-green eyes swirling with determination.

"Alright," Percy winced. "I'm pretty sure I broke something."

She checked up on Frank, lucky to see that he mainly just had a few cuts and bruises, but nothing too serious.

"GUYS!" Jason's yell caught her attention and everyone limped over to where he was sitting, hunched over a form on the floor.

Piper. Hazel felt her breath catch in her throat, almost fearing Piper was dead before she remembered that she would've felt it if she had died.

"What happened?" Leo gasped, running over.

"Five men were literally choking her," Jason muttered. "How did I not notice? How did I not--"

"Don't blame yourself. You were fighting the cyclops that I should've handled better," Percy refused.

"No, you were doing just fine, Percy. You were looking out for Piper," Leo reassured him. "I should've been the one to do that. I was right next to her."

"No, I should've--"

"Guys, this is literally turning into us blaming each other," Clarisse grumbled, a hand on her bleeding side.

"Well... the mission was successful?"

She looked over at Percy to see his eyes wide with fear, staring off at nothing.


The moment her voice was heard, he grinned, blinking a couple times. She noticed that his hand was at his neck, his other at his stomach.

"Hm?" he asked.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah. I'm great."

Hazel raised an eyebrow, but said nothing as she simply nodded.

"Let's go get Piper onto the couch and patch up everyone's wounds, okay?" Frank suggested.

She examined Percy's back. A nasty, large, and purple bruise was forming over 1/3 of it, like a splotch of blueberry jam. Well... that was insulting to the jam. Jam wasn't as bad.

"Alright," she said, unravelling some bandages.

Washing out Percy's wound with sink water, she wrapped the white bandages around the bloody arm so it looked like Percy was wearing a sweatband on his bicep.

"Thanks, Hazelnut," he said, giving her a small smile.

The moment she had his leg fixed up, she tried to move to his shirt, but Percy immediately pushed her away.

"Don't," he said. "There's nothing there."

"But I need to bandage up your ribs, Percy..." Hazel frowned.

Percy sighed and Hazel lifted up his shirt. She almost dropped it at the sight. He had a large gash across his stomach, pulsing blood.

"Percy!" she gaped. "What the f**k?! Where did you get these wounds?"

"I... I must've not..." Percy trailed off before finally answering, his voice quiet and small. "I don't know."

"You don't know?" Hazel sighed, washing it out with water.

To her surprise, it didn't get much better like his normal wounds would. Percy shook his head and Hazel just bandaged it up, her fingers tracing his broken ribs.

"I'm good..." Percy winced, rubbing his neck again. "Sorry, the cyclops hit me pretty hard, that's all."

Hazel frowned, peering over to see it, but to her surprise, there was no mark.

"Let me know if you need anything," she said, moving on to Annabeth.

Percy grinned and stood up, limping over to the couch, where Piper was currently laying unconscious. Frank had shape-shifted into a little x-ray machine, there to examine Piper's throat for damage. Looking over Annabeth, she quickly fixed the large gash on her arm.

"What happened?" Hazel asked when she looked at the little hole in her hip, blood trickling out of it.

"Well," Annabeth sighed. "I was just fighting when a couple monsters just grabbed me and started to slit my throat."

Hazel nodded, putting a bandage on the small cut on Annabeth's tan neck

"I just got so scared..." Annabeth shivered. "I guess I'm still getting used to this spy stuff, aren't I?"

"It gets better after a few years..." Hazel said thoughtfully. "But the fear never goes away. We can't train our emotions. Well... apparently Percy can."

"What do you mean?" Annabeth frowned.

"That Kelp Head is so good at acting it scares me. Have you seen what transformations he's gone through on missions? He even acted like a nerd one time. It really freaked me out... Or that time when he acted as a person named Randy and went to Russia as a bartender." Hazel chuckled at the fond memory of Percy wearing glasses on his nose and the fake accent he put on. "It's probably why he was the only one not panicking before the fight. But it goes just as fast as it comes. It's all okay in the end."

When Annabeth was all patched up, she went to join Percy, who was busy stroking her hair and sharing kisses with her. Hazel smiled at the sight. He hadn't been happy like that in the four years she'd been his friend and cousin. After they'd put Piper's neck in a small brace, everyone was set.

"One more night..." Hazel chuckled. "Who's up for more cup noodles?"

Everyone groaned.

"There goes my love for instant ramen..." Percy muttered.

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