Chapter 37 || Annabeth

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As Annabeth made her way down the halls of the safe house, she smiled. Percy Jackson, the boy who she thought she'd never get back, was her boyfriend. Her Seaweed Brain. Not just like how it was back when they were twelve... but close. Closer than Annabeth had expected. When she entered the arena, she frowned when Piper wasn't there.

Probably on her way, Annabeth thought. After all, she'd always been five minutes early to everything, if not thirty.

"There she is," Drew Tanaka sighed, looking at her. "Annabeth Chase."

"Percy told you to leave me alone since what happened earlier today so beat it." Annabeth glared at the girl, taller than her because of her six-inch heels.

"Percy..." The way Drew said it sent chills up Annabeth's spine. "Hottie of the Olympian clan... Using him would be a fine opportunity, wouldn't it, bitch?"

"What did you just call me?" Annabeth stood up, fists balled. "And what do you mean 'using him'?"

Drew laughed evilly. "You act so innocent! It's obvious that you're using Percy. A newbie with no experience whatsoever with the best Olympian agent in Olympian history? The match isn't right and everyone knows it. But when Percy gets unwrapped around your finger and realizes what a gold digger you are, he'll find someone who deserves him. Not you."

"If you mean yourself, you're ten times less worthy than I am. I am worthy, Drew. Would you rather be unworthy or a piece of shit? Take your pick."

"You little..." Drew calmed herself, giving Annabeth a chilling, cold smile. "You naive little soul... Percy hasn't loved anyone here no matter how pretty or smart they are. You are nothing compared to those girls. Trust me when I say Percy only loves you because he pities you. He only loves you because he is assigned to you as a mentor. The moment he's let off the leash, he'll come to me or anyone that's not you."

Annabeth glared at Drew, but she had admit, Drew was getting into her head.

"Think about it. Assassin. Spy. Fighter. If he has emotions, he'd be dead in an instant. Keeping someone hostage while using their flaws against them is very effective. If he loved anyone, he wouldn't be who he is. You don't know him. You've barely scratched the surface on who he is. So if you think for a second that you two were made for each other... you're the dumbest child of Athena there is."

"Leave her alone."

All three girls from Drew's gang whipped around to see Piper at the entrance of the training arena, glaring at the scene in front of her.

"Well, well, well," Drew said as she walked towards Piper. "Little sis... you've got guts. But don't feel so special because you're related to me. You don't wanna risk your little boyfriend for her. Jason's got a six-pack that I think is yummy."

Piper tensed at Drew's words, but the three toxic girls had left, giggling all the way. Annabeth was still hearing Drew's words echoing in her head. Piper sat down next to her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't listen to her. She's gotten pretty persuasive with her voice over the years. Drew's specialty is taking advantage of people. Most of us can charmspeak. I mean... we're Aphrodite kids."

"Yeah..." Annabeth mumbled absently.

"C'mon. Let's train," Piper said.

She forced herself to try an focus as she grabbed a training blade. Piper had grabbed hers, flipping it in her palms expertly.

"Normally you'd train with Percy, but since he's having a migraine and Will's being a mother, he's being forced into his room."


"Yeah. Will. He's a son of Apollo, and mainly in charge of what happens in the infirmary and the rest of everyone's health. I heard he has a love interest."

"He's dating?"

"No, he has a crush! On someone you know." Piper smirked at Annabeth and she quickly figured it out.

"Nico!" Annabeth gasped. "He has a crush on Nico!"

"Correct!" Piper laughed slightly. "Now, let's first start by testing what you know about fighting. I'll turn on the hologram and we'll see what you have before we build. Don't worry, the hologram fighters don't actually hurt you, but you'll feel them."

Piper pressed a button and Annabeth saw blue lights flashing all around her before there was a man.

"Go on," Piper said, pressing another button. "Fight!"

The man charged and Annabeth instinctively kicked him in the face. She was quickly tackled to the floor, but Annabeth somehow managed to wriggle out. Remembering how Thalia used to tackle Percy when they were young, she jumped on the man, hugging him with all her might. Throwing her off, the hologram advanced, but Piper turned it off.

"Wow," she said. "Better than I expected."

"What did you expect?" Annabeth panted, getting up off the floor.

"Most of them get tackled in a second flat. You actually put up a fight. Percy was actually similar, believe it or not. We always wonder how he learned to fight. He defeated the hologram in no time."

"Really?" Annabeth raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. When we asked him, all he said was 'I have practice with my step-dad'. But when we ask Grover about what happened, Grover doesn't tell us because Percy told him not to tell anyone."

"Why not?" Annabeth asked. Idiot.

"He doesn't say. No one knows but he said his dad killed his step-dad, so no one had to worry about it at all."

"His dad killed his stepdad?!" Annabeth screeched.

"Uh... assassin. Gabe was on the kill list."

"But why? All Gabe did was drunk drive!" Annabeth exclaimed. "I mean... there's not anything he did besides..." She trailed off, thoughts racing through her mind. "Not the point. But Sally thinks Gabe just left for another woman. She... But... Why..."

"Don't think about it," Piper said. "At least Sally's with Paul now, so they're safe."

"Yeah. At least--wait... how do you know that Sally got married to Paul?"

"Spies," Piper pointed at herself. "You didn't think we'd suspect someone to be an Olympian child and not each them, did you?"

"Oh..." Annabeth looked around the training area.

"Well, it's almost dinner," Piper said. "We'd better get going."

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