Chapter 46 || Thalia

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Okay, don't get Thalia wrong, she loved her cousin to pieces, but Percy was literally planning something for Halloween at the time. It was literally February, not October. Now they were in Target, buying creepy masks, random objects, and a lot of food. They were gonna be in there over the weekend because the schools locked the doors very securely.

After Thalia had bought enough cup noodles, chip bags, energy bars, sodas, and water bottles, she was convinced they were going on some road trip. Percy paid with his credit card, apparently storing infinite money, and got into the car.

"Alright," Percy said, checking his watch. "It's game time."

They pulled up in the public parking space next to the school--to avoid suspicion for the opposing party to think there was anyone in the building--and walked into the doors.

"Put the food in my locker," Percy hissed as Thalia stacked the boxes of noodles and food in the tall, blue, metal box.

Locking it securely, Percy took out the supplies.

"Annabeth, Jason, and Hazel, you go to that half of the school to set up the first booby trap. Thalia, Nico, and Clarisse? You're with me. Leo, Piper, and Frank, go set up the other half of the school. We'll be going to the other parts of the school."

Each group took a box of supplies and Thalia followed Percy's lead.

"Alright," he said, setting down the box. "Clarisse, do you think you could start setting up the fake and real knives over there?"

"Sure," Clarisse said. "But I'm adding an extra touch."

She took out some fake blood and smirked.

"You're gonna coat the knives in fake blood? Clarisse, someone's gonna pass out!" Percy protested.

"Too bad for that person." Clarisse shrugged and began to set up.

"Alright," Percy sighed. "Thalia, grab this wire. I'm gonna set up the electric illusions."

"How? You have to get up to ceiling for that."

"Well... you'll see. Nico, can you start putting other booby traps in the shadows? Here's the string."

Percy tossed Nico the string and Nico stared at Percy, petrified. Thalia couldn't blame him. After all, Percy was his crush. Well, he was also Nico's cousin, but they decided to stop thinking about that to make it less weird. It wasn't weird in the godly world anyways.

"Ready, Thals?" Percy asked, snapping her out of her thoughts.

She held the rope tightly.

"Ready!" she called.

The Kelp head grabbed onto a locker, hoisting himself up.

"Careful!" she called as her cousin scaled the slippery surface.

"I've done this a lot!" he called back. "I'm good!"

He was now squatting on the top of the lockers, frowning at the wire he had in his hand. Slowly, he began to lean forward, keeping one foot firmly stuck in the space between the wall and the lockers. Feeding the wire into the light panels, he grunted in effort.

"I've got it, Thals! Shoot electricity!"

Thalia hesitated, wondering what would happen if Percy got electrocuted.

"No, I won't, Thalia! Jason's done this with me a lot! Just try not to put too much force!"

Thalia nodded and thought of blue energy crackling from her fingertips. Instantly, it shot through the wire and the lights flickered brightly, softly, then, in different colors.

"AH!" Percy yelled and his form swung down.

She was about to go try and help, when Percy just crashed into the lockers, his foot keeping him in place. Lifting himself back on top of the lockers in a backbend that practically folded him in half, he slipped off of the blue boxes, rubbing his chest.

"You good?" Thalia asked, scared that she had hurt him.

"I'm fine," Percy reassured her. "You just put a little bit too much electricity in the wire. It's fine, Pinecone Face."

Thalia bit her lip at the nickname but nodded, plugging the wire into the fire alarm box. She lifted up Percy's shirt, almost dropping it when she felt his muscles.

"I'm hot, aren't I?" Percy's mocking voice reached her ears and she glared at him.

"No, you were just so ugly as a kid!" she retorted before examining the large bruise forming. "You've got a bruise."

"Eh, it's okay." Percy shook his head. "It's nothing."

"You sure?" Thalia asked, her motherly side coming out.

"Yeah," Percy waved it away. "Hey, Neeks!"

A bang was heard and an 'ow' before Nico walked out, rubbing the back of his head.

"You good?" Percy asked, frowning.

"Yeah. Just hit my head on the bottom of the table. What?"

"Just... uhm... wondering if you needed any help. If you didn't, I was gonna start practicing my contortion stuff."

"Oh... uh... no, I don't need help." Nico rubbed the back of his neck, blushing.

"Good," Percy grinned and Thalia wanted to facepalm. The Seaweed Brain really was oblivious to the signs of someone liking him. "Stay with Clarisse if you can't find me, okay?"

"Got it, dad," Thalia mocked him.

Percy gave her a pout before bending down into a backbend and running away in the weird pose.

"What the f**k?" she finally asked herself when they were done.

Clarisse walked over, lugging a suitcase behind her.

"Hey, you mind helping me with this?" she grunted.

Thalia was puzzled at the buff girl's need for help, but she complied. The moment she opened the suitcase, a face popped out and scared the living daylights out of her.

"AHHH!" she screamed, flying backwards to hit the wall.

She found a cackling Percy there, practically crying out of laughter.

"I'm sorry, Pinecone Face," Percy laughed. "I didn't think..." He let out another laugh. "I didn't think it'd scare you that much." Letting out a chuckle, he helped her up. "You okay?"

Stunned silence before Thalia glared at him.

"KELP HEAD!" she screamed.

"Shit." Percy took off running.

"KELP HEAD, GET BACK HERE!" Thalia raced after him.

"SPARE ME! SPARE ME!" Percy screamed.


"Hey!" Jason ran in, stopping their chase. "The student hours are done. People are leaving. We need to be quiet now. All the booby traps are set up, so we're just gonna go to the bathrooms, okay?"

"Okay. Hide in the stalls," Percy suggested. "But don't be an idiot and not stand on the toilets."

As Thalia filed into the girl's bathroom, she spotted Percy and Annabeth sharing a long kiss before they broke away, Annabeth coming in after Thalia. She had raised an eyebrow, a smug expression her face.

"Did you have fun, Annabeth?"

Annabeth jumped, startled by the smug, sneaky look on her friend's face.

"W-What?" she spluttered.

Thalia sighed, not wanting to press at the time. Getting into a stall, she squatted on the toilet seat, her black combat boots from her spy outfit leaving dirty marks on the white plastic.

We Olympians (A Percy Jackson AU) || BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now