Chapter 15 | You're Beautiful

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There was a timeskip between the last chapter and this one.

*second person p.o.v.*

You and Tanjiro walked into the house, your mask attached to your hip. "Miss Tamayo! Yushiro?" Tanjiro called out, walking further into the house. "Over here!" You heard Yushiro say. You and Tanjiro walk over to the basement. 

"Not that you need to come here at all. But if you want to, get down here." Yushiro said. "Yushiro!" Tamayo scolded. "I was just joking!" Yushiro defended. "Hurry down, Tanjiro, Y/n!" Tamayo called out. "Come on." You tapped his back and he walked down the stairs, you following close behind.

You stood beside Tanjiro, smiling softly when you saw Nezuko. Yushiro and Tamayo widened their eyes slightly once they saw your face for the first time. "Nezuko!" Tanjiro said out of relief. She ran over and pulled the two of you into a hug. 

"I moved her to the basement, where the morning sun won't reach her." You and Tanjiro hugged back just as tightly, releasing from the hug to see Nezuko run and hug Tamayo. "Why, you! Step away from lady Tamayo! That's so rude!" Yushiro exclaimed, wanting to claw at Nezuko.

You grabbed Yushiro's shoulders and moved him a bit to the side, away from Nezuko. Yushiro seemed frozen, his face expressions relaxing slightly. "Stop it, Yushiro. I don't mind at all." Tamayo said. "Yes ma'am." Yushiro said it more quiet than before, looking spaced out. 

You started to pat his head affectionately, as did Nezuko. He snapped out of his trance. "Cut that out!" Yushiro ordered. You giggled and took your hand away. "Nezuko has been acting this way since she woke up. Is she all right?" Tamayo asked out of concern.

Tanjiro walked over. "There's nothing to worry about. She's fine. She probably thinks you're a member of our family." Tanjiro explained. "Family? But i thought the spell Nezuko is under causes her to see humans as her family. And Yushiro and i are demons." Tamayo replied. 

Yushiro struggled to push Nezuko's hand away, but Nezuko only kept on trying to pet Yushiro. "But Nezuko has preceived you two as humans. That's why she tried to protect you." You said, looking down with a smile. Nezuko had finally given up on Yushiro and continued hugging Tamayo.

"At first, me and Tanjiro didn't like the idea of Nezuko being under a spell," You looked back up. "But since it looks like she still has a will of her own. I'm glad tha-" You cut yourself off when you saw Tamayo crying. "I-i'm so sorry! Nezuko! Nezuko! S-step away from her! It's rude, y'know?" Tanjiro nervously said. 

Tamayo buried her face in Nezuko's shoulder. "Thank you..." Tamayo mumbled. "Nezuko!" You whisper shouted. "Thank you!" Tamayo repeated. You, Tanjiro, and Yushiro looked taken aback for a second before you shook it off. Nezuko finally let go of Tamayo and stepped back to you and Tanjiro.

"Yushiro and i will leave this region. We've gotten too close to Muzan Kibutsuji. We must conceal our whereabouts soon or the risk will be too great. Not to mention, even if i think i've managed to conceal my identity, when i interact with humans as a doctor, people sometimes still see through me. The young and the elderly are particularly perceptive." Tamayo looked to you both. 

"Y/n, Tanjiro." She said. "Yes?" Tanjiro hummed. "Would you like us to take Nezuko in?" Yushiro gasped and looked at Tamayo with his mouth agape. Tanjiro gasped softly, whilst you smiled at Tamayo. You already knew your answer.

"I can't guarantee that she will remain safe, but i believe it will be less dangerous than taking her into battle." Tanjiro looked down in thought, and you just smiled. 

"That may be true -no, it is true. And you are right. It would be better for Nezuko to be in your care. But we've lost the rest of our family, and we're all we have left. I appreciate your kind offer, i really do. But Nezuko, Tanjiro, and i will be staying together. We will not be splitting up. I don't want that to happen again." You bowed down. "But i thank you for your concern, Miss Tamayo." You raised your head again, feeling Nezuko and Tanjiro grab each of your hands, which you gladly squeezed back.

"Very well. In that case, i wish you both long-lasting good fortune in battle." Tamayo returned your kind smile. "All right. We'll be leaving after we erase all traces of ourselves. You three get going now!" Yushiro crossed his arms and looked away. "That's a good idea. Well then. We wish both of you well. Take care." You and Tanjiro bowed down your heads and turned to each other. 

"Let's go, guys." Tanjiro nodded with a smile. Nezuko ran and went up the stairs. "Nezuko! Don't go rushing off like that." You scolded with a sigh. "Come on, Tanjiro." You grab his hand and were about to run up the stairs when Yushiro called out to you both.

"Y/n, Tanjiro!" You both stopped and looked back. "Your kid sister.... i guess she's quite pretty." Yushiro looked away. You and Tanjiro laughed. "I'm glad you came around, Yushiro." Tanjiro said. You and Tanjiro continued walking again, but once again you both were stopped by Yushiro. 

"And you aren't an eyesore, Y/n. I think you're beautiful. You have.... a kind smile and a cute laugh." Your eyes widened a bit before you smiled. "Thank you, Yushiro. You're not that bad yourself." You said. Tanjiro smiled and walked up the stairs with you.


"South-southeast! South-southeast! South-southeast! Your next location is south-southeast!" Tanjiro's bird repeatedly said. Your bird was perched on your shoulder. He was surprisingly quiet and much more calm. 

"I heard you! I know already! Please give it a break and quiet down! I'm begging you! I got the message, so please!" Tanjiro's bird flew in his face and around him. 

A sudden loud shout stopped the crow. "PLEASE!" You and Tanjiro looked to your right to see a yellow-haired boy all over some poor woman. 

"Please! Please! Please! Please marry me! I could die at any time, y'know?! That's why i want you to marry me! So please! Please, i'm begging you!" Seeing what he did that to the frightened woman, you slowly grabbed your mask and put it on.

What, it was for your own safety. For all we know, you could be the next victim if you weren't careful.


(1085 words)

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